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Английский для смелых. Истории о духах и привидениях / Great Ghost Stories - стр. 43

). My sight had by this time become used to the gloom of the coach (зрение мое к этому времени приспособилось к полумраку экипажа; to become used – привыкнуть к чему-либо; gloom – мрак; темнота; сумрак), and I could see with tolerable distinctness (и я стал видеть довольно отчетливо; tolerable – удовлетворительный, сносный; distinctness – ясность, отчетливость). I turned to my opposite neighbour (я повернулся к соседу напротив; opposite – расположенный, находящийся напротив, противоположный). He, too, was looking at me (он тоже смотрел на меня), with the same startling pallor in his face (на лице его была та же пугающая бледность: «с той же пугающей бледностью на лице»), and the same stony glitter in his eyes (и тот же холодный блеск в глазах; stony – каменный; недвижимый; холодный). I passed my hand across my brow (я провел рукой по лбу; brow – бровь; /поэт./ лоб, чело). I turned to the passenger on the seat beside my own, and saw (я повернулся к пассажиру рядом со мной: «на сиденье рядом с моим собственным») – oh Heaven! how shall I describe what I saw (о Небо = боже мой, как мне описать то, что я увидел)? I saw that he was no living man (я увидел, что он не был живым человеком) – that none of them were living men, like myself (что никто из них не был живым человеком, подобно мне)! A pale phosphorescent light (бледный фосфоресцирующий свет) – the light of putrefaction (свет разложения) – played upon their awful faces (играл на их ужасных лицах); upon their hair, dank with the dews of the grave (на их волосах, влажных сыростью могилы; dew – роса); upon their clothes, earth-stained and dropping to pieces (на их одежде, запачканной землей и разваливающейся на части); upon their hands, which were as the hands of corpses long buried (на их руках, которые выглядели как руки давно похороненных трупов). Only their eyes, their terrible eyes, were living (жили только их глаза, их ужасные глаза); and those eyes were all turned menacingly upon me (и все эти глаза были с угрозой: «угрожающе» обращены на меня; to menace – угрожать)!

 The words that I was about to utter died upon my lips, and a strange horror – a dreadful horror – came upon me. My sight had by this time become used to the gloom of the coach, and I could see with tolerable distinctness. I turned to my opposite neighbour. He, too, was looking at me, with the same startling pallor in his face, and the same stony glitter in his eyes. I passed my hand across my brow. I turned to the passenger on the seat beside my own, and saw – oh Heaven! how shall I describe what I saw? I saw that he was no living man – that none of them were living men, like myself! A pale phosphorescent light – the light of putrefaction – played upon their awful faces; upon their hair, dank with the dews of the grave; upon their clothes, earth-stained and dropping to pieces; upon their hands, which were as the hands of corpses long buried. Only their eyes, their terrible eyes, were living; and those eyes were all turned menacingly upon me!

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