365 дней английского. Тетрадь одиннадцатая - стр. 4
Ключ. 1. “But for you, we would have avoided collision with that truck.” “But for you, we would have avoided arrest.” 2. “But for General Smith, we would have won that battle.” “But for General Smith, we would have lost the war.” 3. “But for you, we would have figured him out sooner.” “But for me, he would have figured us out even sooner.” (Или: “But for you, we would have found him out sooner.” “But for me, he would have found us out even sooner.”) 4. “But for you, we would have caught up with them hours ago.” “But for me, we would have been arrested for speeding way before that.” (В позиции перед предлогом или наречием слово way выполняет роль усилителя, например: “Grandma, you’re way behind the times.” – «Бабушка, ты сильно отстала от времени».) 5. “But for you, I wouldn’t have lost control of the car.” “But for me, we would have landed in a ditch.” 6. “But for you, we wouldn’t have landed on a desert island.” “But for me, you would have landed in the stomach of a shark.” 7. “But for you, we wouldn’t have left empty-handed.” “But for me, we would have been caught red-handed.” 8. “But for you, I wouldn’t have remained an old maid.” “But for me, you would have married the worst man ever.” 9. “But for you, we wouldn’t have ended up in jail.” “But for me, we would have ended up dead.” (Вы могли также сказать: we wouldn’t have landed in jail, что было бы практически одно и то же. Однако подобная замена невозможна в ответной реплике, поскольку ее в этом случае можно было бы понять только буквально, а именно, что человек (космонавт, парашютист) в момент приземления был мертв.) 10. “But for you, I wouldn’t have lost my job.” “But for me, you would still be working in that lousy travel agency.” 11. “But for you, I wouldn’t have broken my heel.” “But for me, we wouldn’t have made acquaintance of the most eligible bachelor in town.” (В отношении мужчины прилагательное eligible означает, что данный человек является наиболее подходящей партией для барышни по причине его богатства и/или привлекательной внешности.)