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365 дней английского. Тетрадь двенадцатая - стр. 8

)». ‒ «Я буду нем как рыба».

Ключ. 1. “Remember: not a word to anybody. If any of this ever came out, I would die of shame.” “I’ll be silent as a fish.” 2. “Remember: not a word to Betty. If any of this ever came out, she would flip.” “I’ll be silent as a fish.” 3. “Remember: not a word to Wilma or Betty. You know how wives are. If they found out about our little adventure, they would have our scalps.” “I’ll be silent as a fish.” 4. “Remember: not a word to Wilma. You know how wives are. If she found out about this money, she would make me do something stupid.” “Like what?” “Like, make me put it in a bank.” “I’ll be silent as a fish.” 5. “Remember: not a word to Wilma and Betty. You know how wives are. If they found out about what we’re up to, they would do something stupid.” “Like what?” “Like, follow us.” “I’ll be silent as a fish.” 6. “Remember: not a word to Wilma. You know how wives are. If she found out about this little incident, she would jump to the wrong conclusion.” “I’ll be silent as a fish.” 7. “Remember: not a word to Wilma. You know how wives are. If she found out about the incident with my ex, she would think goodness knows what.” “I’ll be silent as a fish.” 8. “Remember: not a word to Wilma or Betty. You know how wives are. If they found out about the night we spent in the police station, they would think goodness knows what.” “I’ll be silent as a fish.” 9. “Remember: not a word to Wilma and Betty. You know how wives are. If they found out about the incident in the zoo, they would make fun of us.” I’ll be silent as a fish.”


“I met my wife quite by accident. I hit her with my motorcycle, took her to hospital, visited her there, and when she was discharged from hospital we got married,” said Mr Brown.

“Yeah,” remarked one of the listeners. “If people knew what tragic consequences road accidents can have, they would drive much more carefully.”

quitebyaccident совершенно случайно; discharge выписывать (из больницы); consequences последствия

День триста тридцать шестой

Тема урока: Гипотетические ситуации.


Предупредите собеседника об осторожности.

A: Make sure you keep your mouth shut. If these people somehow got wind of the gold, they could steal it from us.

B: I know. I’m no fool.

А: Смотри держи рот на замке. Если эти люди каким-то образом пронюхают про золото, они могут его у нас украсть.

Б: Знаю. Не дурак.

Комментарий. Идиома get wind of something означает «прослышать», «пронюхать», «узнать о чем-то окольными путями», обычно о чем-то, что держат в секрете. Например:

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