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Уголовное наказание: понятие, цели, состав исполнения. Монография - стр. 4

In the series, the following works were published: Russian Criminal Law. 2 Yol. Book 1. General Part: Course book / edited by E.F. Pobegailo (Moscow, 2008); Clause-by-clause educatory comment to the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation: according to the state in September 1, 2009: manual. 2>nd edition, edited and fulfilled / edited by Y.E. Eminov, V.N. Orlov (Moscow, 2009); Russian Criminal Executive Law. 2 Yol. Book 1. General Part: Course book / edited by YE. Eminov, YN. Orlov (Moscow, 2010); Orlov YN. Criminal Penalty: Notion, Aims, System, Objects and Subjects: Monograph (Moscow, 2011); Russian Course of the Criminal Executive Law. 2 Yol. Book 1. General Part: Course book / Edited by YE. Eminov, YN. Orlov (Moscow, 2012), etc.

Extended texts of the books, published in the series, are available at the Criminological Library to be downloaded freely at the web-site: http://crimi-nology.ru, http://criminology.pro, http://криминология. рф.

Works, published in the series “Library of the Bulletin 'Russian Criminological Outlook'” are aimed to be of interest for the students, post-graduates, lecturers of juridical universities and departments, practitioners, officials of the internal affairs organs, criminal executive system and other law enforcement organs, and to those, who are interested in the problems of counteraction to criminality, criminal and delinquent, victim conduct and its causes, questions ofprevention of criminality and criminal conduct, and education and practice in the sphere of criminal politics and criminal science disciplines.

Material for publication, offers and notes should be sent: 1) printed material and manuscripts to Orlov Yladislav Nikolaevich to the postal address: Appart. 9, Building 65, Kutuzovsky Lane; 2) electronic versions to addresses: [email protected]; [email protected]. The information about the acceptation or denial of the material for publication is available for the authors on the phone number: 8-915-092-99-45 at the Editor-in-Chief of the series Starkov Oleg Yictorovich (499) 445-90-16; 8-915-051-16-15 at the Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief Orlov Yladislav Nikolaevich.

On behalf of the Editorial Board of the Series,

V.N. Orlov


В честь 25-летия кафедры криминологии и уголовно-исполнительного права Московского государственного юридического университета имени О. Е. Кутафина (МГЮА)

Актуальность исследования понятия, содержания, целей, состава исполнения уголовного наказания определяется назревшей необходимостью в новом теоретическом осмыслении концептуальных положений пенологии.

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