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The Mysterious Disappearance of the Chevalier Valmont - стр. 6

тень; block the view загораживать вид; instead вместо этого (здесь: вместо леса); grin ухмылка, bristling whiskers ощетинившиеся усы

The passenger felt his limbs become stiff with fear. For some time, he just sat there, unable to take his gaze off the terrible monster facing him. The monster, in turn, studied his victim with his only working eye, and grinned even wider – a sardonic, self-satisfied grin.

“I must run off! Flee this place!” the panic-stricken passenger thought to himself.

limb член, конечность (тела), рука или нога; become stiff цепенеть, деревенеть; unable не в состоянии; gaze пристальный взгляд ◊ take his gaze offsb/sth отвести взгляд от кого-либо или чего-либо; face sbздесь: стоять напротив кого-либо; in turn в свою очередь; victim жертва; self-satisfied самодовольный; run off бежать (вспешкеибезпредупреждения); flee (fled; fled) бежать (отопасности), спасаться бегством, драпать; panic-stricken охваченный паникой

He felt around for the door handle. As he did so, the revolver he had been holding in his hand fell to the floor, and went off.

“If you’re trying to scare me, forget it,” meowed the monster, showing his large teeth. “Your popgun won’t do you any good, pal. Better think of your immortal soul, for your last hour has come.”

feel around (felt; felt) искать ощупью, шарить; door handle дверная ручка; go offздесь: внезапно выстрелить; scare пугать, напугать; meow мяукать; popgun пугач; do goodздесь: помогать; pal приятель; immortal бессмертный; soul душа; forздесь: потому что, ибо

“Please, have mercy!” the passenger begged. “Take whatever you want. (14) Here, take this ring. It is quite expensive!”

He started to take off the ring, but with little success.

“Don’t bother,” said the monster. “The robbers will take it off your finger. They will be here quite soon, I presume. But by that time, you will long be dead. As for me, I’m not interested in petty knick-knacks. It’s moments like this that add purpose to my life. To watch my victim tremble in fear – that’s what I live for. And, as much as I’d love to prolong this moment – beautiful as it is – I’m afraid that we may soon be interrupted by one of these vulgar creatures who make a living out of robbing others.”

mercy пощада, милосердие ◊ have mercy пощадить, смилостивиться; beg молить, умолять; botherздесь: суетиться; presume полагать; petty пустячный, незначительный petty knick-knacks финтифлюшки; add purpose придавать смысл; tremble in fear дрожать от страха; as much as I would love как бы мне не хотелось;

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