The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked - стр. 22
In the Seventh House: Good career, the partner assists in the career, benefits from partnership and involvement in risky affairs, happy marriage, the partner occupies or directs towards a great career, mature or significant partner, there may be work-related travels; since the ruler of the tenth house influences the ascendant from this position, the person will be healthy, respected, and fortunate.
In the Eighth House: Problems in the career, difficulties in diagnosing Dharma, lack of publicity and fame, achievements remain unrecognized, many falls and changes in the career, performing bad deeds; the career may be related to the occult sciences or mysticism, profits from wills, insurance policies, or the marriage partner, a business related to large credits, bankruptcy may occur.
In the Ninth House: The father is wealthy, strong, and will have a long life; successful career, performing good deeds, pilgrimage to holy places, strong religiosity or spirituality, the person may become a spiritual teacher, it is possible that their career will be related to religion; fortune, wealth, honor or fame, happiness from grandchildren, long trips with professional goals, strong Dharma.
In the Tenth House: The planet is in its house; successful career, honor or fame, prosperity, recognition from the government or prominent figures, wealth; this is a very good position, bringing strong Dharma.
In the Eleventh House: A very good condition for wealth, great desires and ambitions are realized, successful career, performing good deeds, wealthy and influential friends, relatives may help in the career or be connected to it; since the ruler of the tenth house influences the fifth from this position, the person will have good intellect, happiness from their children, and successful investments.
In the Twelfth House: Problems in the career, many changes in the career, no respect or publicity, the person may be forced to work in a distant country, difficulties in finding Dharma; this is a bad situation, as it causes suffering and difficult life; there may be an interest in moksha, if there are additional indicators for this in the horoscope; the work may be related to abroad or emigration.
The Eleventh House in the Horoscope
The eleventh house is the house of achievements, desires, ambitions, friends, the older brother, auspicious opportunities, wealth, benefits, the paternal uncle, legs and ankles, branches, commerce, social networks, and groups. This house indicates profits, benefits, plans, desires, and aspirations. It is the house of prosperity. Generally, all planets here—both malefic and benefic—are strong by nature and relaxed. Each planet in the eleventh house tends to realize its potential maximally.