Taunts, riddles and secrets - стр. 17
What is the essence of Creations?
The dual system of Creation is steady in the functioning and manifestation, which excludes non-existence due to interaction between the infinite and the finite. This system not only has no propulsor, but it formally is nothingness, making zero in total in any position. Therefore, it is nothing to fall apart it need not begin and end.
What is the role of opposites of the dual system of Creation?
Creation, being everything and nothingness, comprises contrasts and denies itself, inasmuch in the person of the active constantly strives for novelty, destroying previous in itself and manifesting in this liberty of consciousness (the active). But everything, that passed, doesn't disappear completely, and it is kept in memory of consciousness (the active).
What is the main difference between the person and other living beings?
The human consciousness is capable to separate itself from reality and to interact with it already on this new basis – a basis of own self-consciousness, purposefully using memory, cognitive abilities, speech, various kinds of communication, imagination, experimental data, and all this – against the background of emotion, but not by means of only the software or instinctive and reflex actions
What is the person?
The person – the most perfect, the only and finished representative of Creation in general because he in the holographic basis combines the simplest frequency spectrum of things, the complex frequency spectrum the living, capable to sense and reproduce self in beingness, and the most difficult spectrum of the living beings, who is conscious of themselves as separate from the surrounding, i.e. understanding in a varying degree what they are themselves, and what is the environment, and seeking to expand this understanding.
Hundred millions years of emergence and disappearance of world civilizations.
Over the last two centuries many items and written evidence has been accumulated in various museums, foundations and private collections. It is impossible to identify them from the point of view of belonging to this or that period of our civilization. The age of separate artifacts which rather precisely can be determined by a place of their bedding in the earth's layer of crust, reaches hundred millions years. Besides, some megalithic structures have preserved. They appeared, on a number of measuring estimates, 12 thousand and more years ago. The account of these years goes on millions and tens of millions years. No one knows who built high-tech tunnels that also have preserved.