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Стратегии философского исследования коммуникации - стр. 3

It is concluded that paradigms and research strategies complement each other. The paradigm prescribes exactly how the research should be built in order to meet the scientific criteria established in this discipline in this scientific community at at one time or another. The research strategy is the path chosen by a particular researcher in which various epistemic, paradigmatic, and methodological influences can be combined. At the same time, the strategy reveals the author's creativity, his own contribution.

A terminological construct “knowledge body” introduced into scientific use. It can be explained as a complex of knowledge that entered “into flesh and blood of researcher”, became a peculiar analogue of a body grown not from protein matter, but from the paradigms and scientific knowledge of the community.

The concept of the paradigm was developed as a kind of synthesis of research constructs, arising and constantly re-assembling in the communication of the scientific or philosophical community.

Paradigms, epistems, methodological approaches, influenced by community members, are metaphorically compared with the communicative states of a community, the composition of them predetermines the communication of its members.

It was proposed the concept of communication as a “research construction” that each researcher “assembles” to solve his own scientific and philosophical problems. This book contains an interpretation of communication as a driver of event-time, capable of changing the configuration of established connections and associations between actors, creating conditions for reassembling systems or networks and being a conductor for contingency in the situation “here and now”.

Keywords: research strategy, subject-researcher, assembly, communication, paradigm, constitutive elements of a paradigm, decentralized reflection, knowledge body, research construct.

Философия есть борьба против зачаровывания нашего интеллекта средствами нашего языка.

Людвиг Витгенштейн «Философские исследования», пункт 109


Эта книга написана на основе защищенной диссертации «Стратегии исследования коммуникации: парадигмальный аспект». Моя диссертационная работа не была бы завершена без поддержки доктора философских наук, профессора Лидии Николаевны Богатой, которая несколько лет была моим научным консультантом. Я благодарен ей за сотни часов, которые мы провели в насыщенной коммуникации, за то, что она научила меня глубже понимать философские тексты и критичнее относиться к собственным интеллектуальным построениям.

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