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Смерть на Ниле / Death on the Nile - стр. 70

‘Tell me all about yourself.’

Always obedient, Cornelia tried to comply. She talked, rather heavily, going into unnecessary small details about her daily life. She was so unused to being the talker. Her role was so constantly that of the listener. And yet Miss de Bellefort seemed to want to know. When Cornelia faltered to a standstill, the other girl was quick to prompt her.

‘Go on – tell me more.’

And so Cornelia went on (‘Of course, Mother’s very delicate – some days she touches nothing but cereals-’) unhappily conscious that all she said was supremely uninteresting, yet flattered by the other girl’s seeming interest. But was she interested? Wasn’t she, somehow, listening to something else – or, perhaps, for something else? She was looking at Cornelia, yes, but wasn’t there someone else, sitting in the room…?

‘And of course we get very good art classes, and last winter I had a course of-’

(How late was it? Surely very late. She had been talking and talking. If only something definite would happen…)

And immediately, as though in answer to the wish, something did happen. Only, at that moment, it seemed very natural.

Jacqueline turned her head and spoke to Simon Doyle.

‘Ring the bell, Simon. I want another drink.’

Simon Doyle looked up from his magazine and said quietly:

‘The stewards have gone to bed. It’s after midnight.’

‘I tell you I want another drink.’

Simon said: ‘You’ve had quite enough to drink, Jackie.’

She swung round at him.

‘What damned business is it of yours?’

He shrugged his shoulders.


She watched him for a minute or two. Then she said:

‘What’s the matter, Simon? Are you afraid?’

Simon did not answer. Rather elaborately he picked up his magazine again.

Cornelia murmured:

‘Oh, dear – as late as that – I-must-’

She began to fumble, dropped a thimble…

Jacqueline said: ‘Don’t go to bed. I’d like another woman here – to support me.’ She began to laugh again. ‘Do you know what Simon over there is afraid of? He’s afraid I’m going to tell you the story of my life.’

‘Oh – er-’ Cornelia spluttered a little.

Jacqueline said clearly:

‘You see, he and I were once engaged.’

‘Oh, really?’

Cornelia was the prey of conflicting emotions. She was deeply embarrassed but at the same time pleasurably thrilled. How – how black Simon Doyle was looking.

‘Yes, it’s a very sad story,’ said Jacqueline; her soft voice was low and mocking. ‘He treated me rather badly, didn’t you, Simon?’

Simon Doyle said brutally: ‘Go to bed, Jackie. You’re drunk.’

‘If you’re embarrassed, Simon dear, you’d better leave the room.’

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