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Saturn transits - стр. 2

There will be heightened attention to the military sphere and the development of the military and metallurgical industries during this time. Professionals and experienced individuals will be appointed to leadership positions. Order will also be restored in organizations related to sports.

There may be disarmament, troop withdrawals from certain areas, or a reduction in the army, provided there are no negative aspects affecting transiting Saturn. Negative aspects, however, are unfavorable for leaders, leading to criticism, a decline in popularity, governmental splits, changes in leadership, or uprisings. Governments during this period may introduce laws that limit people’s freedoms. Negative aspects also bring an increase in crime, terrorist acts, mass military drafts, and active armament.

With retrograde Saturn in Aries, you may face many difficult situations that persist until you let go of stubbornness. Consider alternative ways to solve problems—solutions might lie where you least expect them. It is advisable to slow down, avoid excessive activity, and remain consistent during this retrograde period to prevent serious consequences.

Forecast for the Saturn Transit in Aries for Those with Ascendant or Moon in Aries

Saturn will transit your first house. While transiting the first house (head, health, appearance, character, inclinations), Saturn casts a direct aspect on the seventh house (marriage or business partners) and also aspects your third house (short trips, younger siblings, neighbors, surroundings, writing, art, and creations made with your hands) and your tenth house (work, career, and the father’s reputation).

Saturn rules your tenth house and eleventh house (desires, ambitions, elder relatives, elder siblings, friends, interest groups, the internet, and foreigners). Transiting Saturn provides you with the opportunity to better control your actions and desires, become more restrained, and less impulsive.

Your memory will improve, and you will pay more attention to details. However, you may become indecisive and overly fearful of the consequences of your actions. At the same time, endurance will increase, even though physical strength may weaken. With patience and effort, you can achieve a great deal during this time.

During this period, you might experience frequent headaches, dental issues, psychological stress, and fatigue.

Forecast for the Saturn Transit in Aries for Those with Ascendant or Moon in Taurus

Saturn will transit your twelfth house. While transiting the twelfth house (expenses, challenges, foreign lands, isolation or seclusion, meditation, enlightenment, sacrifice, pilgrimage as work, or work with foreigners, sex, sleep), Saturn casts a direct aspect on the sixth house (debts, enemies, illnesses, hard work, cousins) and also aspects your second house (savings, income, family, parents, speech, and nutrition) and your ninth house (long journeys, education, spiritual development, father, guru, luck, dharma, courts, laws) – the 10th house from itself.

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