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Русское воскрешение Мэрилин Монро. На 2 языках - стр. 27

Levko had chosen Chinese cuisine for lunch with his partner. First dish was to be a swallow's nest, that’s a soup cooked of small fishes caught and brought by swallows to build their nests, glued together with something tasty. Second dish was simpler, the duck a la Peking with bamboo shoots. Levko hired his first private cook in the nineties when he founded his first bank. It was vitally sensible: in those wild years the less the banker showed up in crowded places, the longer he was expected to live.

Свой первый банк он назвал тогда, как азартный картежник, «Вист-кредит». Но тот его банк больше сам занимал, чем выдавал кредиты. А если и давал, только тем, кто вез в страну тряпичный «секонд-хэнд», да просроченные колбасы и консервы из чужих магазинов. Да и только потому, что те оборачивали его деньги за неделю. Главным делом этого банка, с дверью в подворотне, был отмывка преступных денег и перегонка их за границу, если этим рублям хотелось стать инвалютой. А еще обналичкой таких же преступно нажитых рублей, если они хотели тут пока и оставаться. Проблемы были только с чемоданами, чтобы возить туда-сюда эти миллиарды тех еще, «деревянных» рублей.

He named his first bank as a born gambler and reckless card player: Vist Credit. This bank, with the doors from a dirty backyard, did not deal in loans, but mostly had laundered criminal money. If Levko ever gave any loans then, that was to the traders who brought to the country second-hand clothes or long overdue sausages and canned food bought cheaply from Europe’s shops. That was quick and profitable turnover for his bank. But the main business of his bank was laundering criminal rubles and moving it abroad turned into hard foreign currency, minus, of course, a fat percent for his bank’s risk and trouble. Also, his bank transferred rubles from its accounts into paper cash keeping no record and trail, if the owners needed it for some shady and murky deals. That was even more illegal. Though, the problems were only with the suitcases to carry to and fro billions of those inflated and weak rubles, called then "wooden".

Еще Левко набил себе хорошо карманы на такой глупой затее, как чубайсовские приватизационные ваучеры, – если кто их еще помнит. Их автор подошел к делу по-ленински: захотел все и всем в стране разделить поровну. В результате богатейшая страна досталась нескольким десяткам, может, сотням жирных и хитрых котов, остальные десятки миллионов получили шиш с маслом.

Levko also stuffed his pockets with easy money when privatization was undertaken by current government. Issued privatization vouchers, a silly idea in the falling apart country, meant to justly divide all of the state’s riches among two hundred million people. But currently those pieces of paper had meant or cost almost nothing in those hungry years and were sold by most people just for dinner. Thus almost all riches of the great country were seized and divided between a hundred fat corrupt cats; two hundred million people got nothing. Levko’s bank very actively bought and sold those notes of country’s potential wealth, getting huge and quite legal profits.

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