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Россия и мусульманский мир № 9 / 2017 - стр. 7

17. Юрчишин Л. 2013. Анализ коллективного насилия в Кондопоге. – Расизм, ксенофобия, дискриминация. Какими мы их увидели… – М.: Новое литературное обозрение. – С. 346–356.

18. Bar S. 2004. The Religious Sources of Islamic Terrorism. – Policy Review. June / July. – P. 27–37.

19. Bouzar D. 2007. Les professionnels de la jeunesse face au discours radical musulman. – La nouvelle revue de l’adaptationet de la scolarisation. 2007/2 (No. 38). P. 125–139.

20. Collins-Mayo S. 2012. Youth and Religion. An International Perspective. – TheoWeb. Zeitschrift für Religions padagogik. N 11. – H. 1. – S. 80–94.

21. Denton M.L., Pearce L.D., Smith C. 2008. Religion and Spirituality on the Path Through Adolescence. Research Report N 8. Chapel Hill: National Study of Youth and Religion, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 37 р. URL: http://youthandreligion.nd.edu/assets/102568/religion_and_spirituality_on_the_ path_through_adole scence. pdf, р. 31–32 (Accessed: 23.03.2017.)

22. Ethno-religious Conflict in Europe: Typologies of Radicalisation in Europe’s Muslim Communities (ed. by M. Emerson). 2009. – Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies. – 200 р.

23. Horwath J., Lees J., Sidebotham P., Higgins J., Imtiaz A. 2008. Religion, Beliefs and Parenting Practices. A descriptive study. Sheffield: University of Sheffield. 66 р.

24. Jeunes et radicalisation islamiste: parcours, facteurs et acteurs influents Lille, France 2008–2009 (Ch. Beski-Chafiq, J. Birmant, H. Benmerzoug, A. Taibi, A. Goignard). 2010. – P.: Department of Political Science. Aarhus University. 111 p.

25. Lippman L.H., McIntosh H. 2010. The Demographics of Spirituality and Religiosity among Youth: International and U.S. Patterns. – Childtrends. Research Brief. September. URL: http://www.childtrends.org/wp-content/uploads/01/ SpiritualityandReligiosity-Among-Youth.pdf (Accessed: 23.03.2017.)

26. Pope B., Price J., Lillard D.R. 2014. The Impact of Religion on Youth Outcomes. – The Journal of Business Inquiry. Vol. 13 (1). URL: http://www.uvu.edu/woodbury/ docs/ jbi-11-13-192articleinpress.pdf

27. Religious Radicalism and Security in South Asia (ed. by S.P. Limaye, M. Malik, R.G. Wirsing). 2004. Honolulu: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. 518 р.

28. Religious Radicalism and Violent Extremism in Albania (J. Vurmo, B. Lamallari, A. Papa, E. Dhembo). 2015. – Tirana: IDM. – 246 p.

29. The Rise of Religious Radicalism in the Arab World: Significance, Implications and Counter-Strategies. 2015. – Amman: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. – 120 p.

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