Revenge – served cold - стр. 24
I kept silent, because I knew who was the only one of us missing, and who was living life to the fullest and had even started a family.
" Where did you disappear to? Why are you silent? " Dimitri asked, without waiting for an answer.
" I'm here."
I couldn't pull myself together. The words were stuck in my throat. They were backed up by sobs, which I was ready to burst into tears. My head was like a balloon, it was going to blow away.
" Someone important is on the phone," Mathew said.
" Yes, it is," Ramilya snorted.
" Who's that there? " Dimitri asked suspiciously. " A man? Did you get another one? Is that why you don't answer my calls?"
" Why? " I got angry.
" I'm working for our future! And you!"
I couldn't believe my ears. He's trying to make me jealous?! I was sitting at home like a fool, daydreaming. and now he's accusing me of cheating on him!
" It's the neighbor! " I enlightened him.
" Oh, yeah?!"
" Well, yes! " I confirmed it with a challenge.
" I've got it all figured out, it looks like I'm in danger of catching a scene from a cheap joke!"
" Vaudeville," I corrected him.
" Are you laughing? Honey, if I came home, would you at least let me in?"
I didn't say anything, desperately fighting myself. To start sobbing into the phone was to bring myself down even lower. We'd meet at the office sooner or later. It's a miracle we haven't crossed paths yet.
" Tell him we're waiting for him, and we'll make pies, his favorite! With meat! " Ramila came to my rescue
" With cabbage. Dimitri likes cabbage, " I corrected him.
" What kind of man doesn't like meat? " muttered the neighbor.
" "The best," Ramilya grinned. " Tell me, I'm already running to the market for cabbage. Or better to the fields, I'll take it from a private citizen, just in time for his arrival and I'll turn around."
Now Dimitri was silent, listening to our argument. I tried feverishly to think of something to say to him. When Ramilya and Mathew laughed, Dimitri hung up.
I sank down in my chair and stared dumbly at the screen.
" Should I call him back? " I muttered.
" He'd call me. He's in dire need of you right now," Ramila snorted.
" What's that? " I didn't understand.
" He badly needs your part of the money for the mortgage," she said.
Unfortunately, she was right. In my mind I understood it perfectly well. But that didn't make it any easier. I finished the contents of my glass in a gulp, said goodbye to my neighbor and went to pack my things.
I decided not to take too much with me, so I pulled out a small gym bag and packed two suits, one dress, and a pair of shoes. The clothes had to come from Ramili's closet. That made it a little embarrassing. If it wasn't for this trip that couldn't be turned down, I would have gone to the mall on Saturday and bought my own. The tutor didn't need business suits. Oh, and for the past few years, I've only bought things out of necessity. When things that had fallen into disrepair couldn't be darned without a mark.