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Регионы в современном мире: глобализация и Азия. Зарубежное регионоведение - стр. 59

Pon’ka T. I., Bel’chenko A. S., Trusova A. A. Dvuhvektornyj podhod KNR k razresheniju territorial’nyh sporov v Juzhno-Kitajskom more // Vestnik RUDN. Serija Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2017 Vol. 17. No. 3. S. 518–529. (in Russ.)

Sokolov A. A. Vysshee obrazovanie V’etnama: formy integnacio6nali- zacii // V’etnamskie issledovanija. 2017. Vypusk 1. S. 212–224. (in Russ.)

Terskih M. A., Narhova E. I. O v’etnamo-kitajskih torgovo-jekonomi- cheskih svjazjah // Jugo-Vostochnaja Azija: aktual’nye problemy razvitija. Vypusk XHH (No 30, 2016). S. 125–133. (in Russ.)

Shpakovskaja M. A., Nguen T. N. Z., Kuklin N. S. Vseob#emljushhee strategicheskoe partnerstvo Socialisticheskoj Respubliki V’etnam i Rossijskoj Federacii: osnova, soderzhanie i principy // Jugo-Vostochnaja Azija: aktual’– nye problemy razvitija. Tom I, No 2 (43), 2019. S. 173–181. (in Russ.)

Shpakovskaja M. A. Kurylev K. P. Kuklin N. S. Rossija, V’etnam i kontury «Bol’shogo Evrazijskogo Partnerstva» // JuVA: aktual’nye problemy razvitija. 2018. No 4 (41). S. 136–145. (in Russ.)

Schneier E. Structured Strategic Partnership Handbook. Lulu publishing. 2018. P. 41. 179 (in English)

CHan V. T. Xu hướng mới đối tác thay cho liên minh quân sự (Novaja tendencija: strategicheskoe partnerstvo vmesto voennogo sojuza). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: http://thanhnien.vn/thoi-su/quoc-phong/xu-huong-moi-doi-tac-chien-luoc-thay-cho-lien-minh-quan-su-461915.html. (in Vietnam.)

Contemporary Sino-Myanmar Relations: Dilemma of Letpadaung Taung Copper Mine Project

Ph.D. (Candidate), Doctoral School of History, Faculty of Humanities, National Research University – Higher School of Economics

Since Myanmar was opened to the world in 2011 local and international environmental activists tried to criticize the Chinese megaprojects in Myanmar. Letpadaung Taung Copper Mine Project is one of the huge Beijing investments in the Myanmar Military government era. The lack of corporate social and environmental responsibility on behalf of the Myanmar Wanbao Company created an intolerable situation for the residents. The only Letpadaung project became a center of international dispute and a dilemma of Sino-Myanmar relations similar to Chinese mega-projects in Myanmar. It happened because the late Myanmar Military government finalized all significant Chinese investments’ agreements before they transferred country power to the civilian administration in the mid of 2010.

This condition has led to a nation-wide movement after local intermediary administrators used Phosphorus bombs to destroy the activists’ camp near the project area in November 2012. President Thein Sein founded the “Letpadaung Taung Investigation Commission” and requested Myanmar’s democracy icon and opposition leader Aung Sann Su Kyi to lead the commission. However, Aung Sann Su Kyi did not receive a warm welcome from the local people and even faced aggressive sentiment on her field trip.

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