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Рефлексивные процессы и управление. Сборник материалов XI Международного симпозиума 16-17 октября 2017 г., Москва - стр. 15

2.1.1 The Viable System Model and Viplan Methodology. The Viable System Model (Beer, 1979, 1981, 1985) – VSM- and the VIPLAN Methodology (Espejo, 1993; Espejo & Reyes, 2011) have been used to discuss the braiding of organisational learning (Espejo, et al., 1996) and technological processes. Model and methodology are supported by a systemic epistemology, which highlights holism, in particular the relevance of communications, interactions and complexity in organisations.

In this paper we adapt theViplan Methodology to analyse BDA in organisational system (Espejo & Reyes, 2011). This adaptation is presented in figure 2. It brings together data management and organisational learning. This is a methodology for organisational and individual learning and for data management. It is driven by two learning loops; the first relates to the issues we want to make transparent in an organisation and callthe issue learning loop (the white loop) and the second is an organisational learning loop (the black loop). Observing, assessing, designing and implementing drive both loops. For issues of concern, such as those we referred above (e.g. sentencing in the justice system, adverting in enterprises, financial reporting and so forth) we refer to, observing issues of concern with the support of big data; assessing these observations from the perspective of actors and agents interactions and the variety operators dealing with their complexity asymmetries; designing improved variety operators to make interactions more effective and finally, closing the loop, implementing new variety operators which generate new data. However, this issue-learning loop happens in the context of an organisational system that is learning as well. This learning aims at improving this context by assessing the organisation structure embedding the issue of concern, designing structural improvements and implementing these improvements. This organisational learning is necessary to deal with ethical and performance issues relevant to the issues of concern.

Figure 2. The Viplan methodology (adaptation of Espejo, 1993)

3. The learning model related hypothesis

3.1 BDA redefines the data sharing, objectives insights and knowledge concepts. Controlled sharing of data, objectives insights and knowledge between peers, sub-systems, organisation – even the competing ones, elevates the understanding of the whole system, and provides a higher viability probability comparing to the others. (Perko, Primec, & Horvat, 2015) for instance elaborate the business, law and ethical perspectives of sharing business partners‘ behaviour data.

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