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Section 3 Potential abilities of the organism to self-healing

  From the above, it follows that all the vital activities of humanity and the human organism separately are subject to the information laws of matter development. All biochemical processes occurring in the organism are subject to and developed according to specific energy-information programs. Various deviations in the work of these programs lead to a violation of the biochemical balance, which we call diseases. It can be confirmed once again that there are no diseases, but there are violations in the work of information programs that control the biochemical processes occurring in the organism. The result of this is a variety of disorders at the level of the entire organism, from headaches and high blood pressure to the most severe damage to systems and organs.

The basis of the self-healing principle is the law of the system's integrity. Therefore, any unfavorable information that disrupts the functioning of the life support program is unstable and can be removed from the body. It should also be repeated that people are the most perfect creatures on Earth. However, depending on lifestyle, nutrition, and excessive passion for medications, people often become prey to various diseases. The occurrence of these disorders can be very diverse. From a violation of the algorithm of individual consciousness to a viral infection. From food poisoning to industrial chemical intoxication. Classical medicine, as a rule, treats only symptoms and individual organs without considering that the human body is an integral system. In this complex, interconnected system of symbiosis of forms of matter and information programs, treating a separate organ should not be the goal. Earlier, we noted that the disease of a particular organ is only a consequence of a violation of the integrity of the control program. From this, we can conclude that to heal the physical body, it is necessary to normalize the information program that controls the body's work. The healing time depends on the level at which the control program was violated.

Our Restoration Healing Center uses a methodology that considers this feature and focuses on the human body's potential for self-healing when it receives corrective information. Based on this assumption, we do not treat our patients like traditional medicine or traditional thinking. We just help the body restore these control programs. Since these programs are energy-information programs, both recovery (healing) and methods of influence will also be at the energy-information level. The natural process of regulating the body occurs without side effects caused by using chemicals. We say that it does not matter what disease your body has in this particular case because any disease violates the regulatory program. Therefore, this method is universal and applicable to people of any age, including children.

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