As you know, the world consists of opposites; opposites are the basis of everything. It follows from this that bipolarity consists of three parts – two opposing ones and a neutral one, which most often is the basis of bipolarity. For example, the electrons and protons of an atom are two opposing parts; the neutral part is neutrons, which, together with protons, make up the mass of the nucleus; plants and animals with the neutral part, which is the environment; herbivores and predators with a neutral part, which is also the environment. Some of the bipolar ratios known to us since childhood, for example, "sleep-wakefulness," "day-night," and "winter-summer," have a feature of seeming impossibility to achieve balance as they replace each other. However, this change is already being carried out with a tendency to strive for a balance of existence. A bias on one of the sides is possible – this is called an imbalance. We also note that equilibrium is not a victory of one part and an infringement of the other; it is a process of balancing, not rest (for example, the interaction of electrons and protons in an atom). The practical significance of this law for humanity is that it allows you to manage the human body's development and self-preservation processes.
The following law – Dualism (from Latin dualis, the dual number, duality), recognizes two substances, matter and soul (consciousness), and proceeds from the recognition of the equality and irreducibility to each other of these two fundamental principles of the universe – material and spiritual, physical and mental, body and soul. Consciousness is the state of the mental life of the organism, expressed in the subjective experience of the events of the external world and the physiological processes of the internal organism and the response to these events. The structure of consciousness includes all cognitive processes – sensation, perception, memory, thinking, and imagination – through which humans continuously replenish their knowledge about the world and themselves. The concept of dualism affirms the equality of any opposite principles or spheres, for example, the dualism of good and evil or the dualism of the world of nature and freedom. Dualism means the coexistence of two different, irreducible unity states, principles, ways of thinking, worldviews, and volitions.
The law of Similarity. The matter was created according to the law of Similarity. What does it mean? It means the existence of an informational connection between all elements of matter in space. Based on the law of Similarity, any matter with the same chemical composition, for example, hydrogen atoms (regardless of where they are in the Universe) or coins made from an alloy of the same batch, are informationally connected in space. This law was used in the creation to duplicate matter. In our practice, it allows us to use, for example, coins as some receiving-transmitting device. Let us take any coin minted in 2000 and place it in a special device connected to the information bank. Now, any coin minted in 2000 attached to the body will create a weak electromagnetic field in the place of contact with the body, through which it will connect the information field structure of the person with the field of the information bank. The self-healing process will automatically start. This law of informational connection of similar matter in space was also used in antiquity. People who did not understand the essence of the ongoing processes called it metal therapy and used ancient copper coins as a healing element.