Python Handbook For Beginners - стр. 4
5) Created a few simple programs;
6) Finally, we learned and applied the print function.
8 Chapter One Test
1. A computer program is a:
1) Set of instructions and rules for a computer, written in a programming language.
2) Piece of code written on a computer.
3) Downloadable game.
2. How do we let a computer know that it needs to display a message on the screen?
1) With a magic word.
2) Using the print() function)
3) Using the command "Display message!"
3. In what order does a computer process (read) the code?
1) When we run the code, the computer reads that code line by line. Top-down.
2) When we run the code, the computer reads that code from bottom to top.
3) When we run the code, the computer doesn't read anything; it remembers everything by heart.
4. Arrange the parts of the code so that the program displays the message "I love Python!"
"I love Python!"
1 What is a Variable?
A variable is a simple data structure that has a name and a value. Now, let's figure out what is what.
Imagine a folder on your desktop. In this case, the folder is a variable. The folder has the label "film."; This is the name of the variable. The folder contains a video called "The."; This is the value of the variable.
Here is how this variable looks in Python language:
Let's break it down.
1) First, we give a name to our variable – film
2) Second, we put equal sign =
3) Third, we give a value to our variable "Super Cat."
A value in a variable always goes with quotes, like in our example. Otherwise, a variable will not work.
Now, as we know what a variable is and what it contains, let's make one!
2 How to Create a Variable?
Write our variable from the example above to the console:
film = "Super Cat"
And run the code. Nothing? That's right. There is no message to show on the screen as we did not use the print function. We will combine variables with print function in the following chapters. But, for now, hit the >_REPL button.
You should now see the input field that looks like this:
Input the name of our variable, which is the film, and hit enter.
In response to the variable name, the program returns its value, which in our case is "Super Cat."
Now, as you've created your first variable, experiment with it. Change name and value. See what happens.
3 Let's Print Variable Value
We've just learned how to create a variable. Now let's learn how to output its value.
Do you remember the print function we used earlier? Let's combine it with our variable and see what happens. Write this code in the console and hit run: