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Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia - стр. 9

Si half-life at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) since 1982 to 1986. An annual cycling of the decay process was identified, as well as its correlation with the 1/R>2 value, where R is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. But at the same time this is the indicator of the Earth's orbital speed. In winter at perihelion it is maximum (minimal distance to the Sun), whereas in summer at aphelion it is minimal.

Let's combine these two graphs.

As the Earth’s rotation slows down, the silicon isotopes half-life happens faster. There is a direct relationship between high-energy processes at the atomic level and the Earth's rotational velocity.

Therefore, not only health – all physical processes fluctuate depending on the Earth's speed, including its axial rotational velocity.

With the change of the Earth's rotational velocity physical, biological, psycho-physiological, social and historical processes also change.

From the viewpoint of ether-dynamics it can be easily explained. The higher the density of ethereal vortices – the greater the speed, energy of all processes to which they are related. And these are transmutation processes, too. So the increase of isotopes of various substances on the Earth in the periods of higher ether density is an expected and natural phenomenon from the ether-dynamics viewpoint. Traditional physics is still unable to explain this.

Therefore, let's not interfere in the dispute of physicists and move on to analysis of the facts, without adding to this analysis anything controversial that has not yet been fully proven.

1.3 Speculating on the identified statistical relationships

The presented graphs and evidence suggest that there are powerful cosmic energies, which are related to the Earth's axial rotation and movement around the Sun, and these energies, that can be called psycho-cosmic, directly affect human activity, all socio-economic processes and biota.

This was observed empirically long ago. There are ethnoscience evidence marks. One of them is that mushrooms grow better before a war. The growth of mushrooms, unlike the growth of trees, can be observed immediately. And people noticed that prior to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 there was an extraordinary harvest of apples and mushrooms. It happens at a certain combination of solar activity and gravity-spin energies, cosmic ether energies.

Whereas the width of tree rings, harvest of apples and mushrooms – are the signs of powerful cosmic energies. People and animals are also under the influence of these cosmic energies.

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