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Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia - стр. 27

Fundamental changes in biota, people, and economy occur, when a sudden change in the Earth’s rotational velocity takes place. Plants are reformed. The ones that are in resonance with the growing type, subtype of the cosmic energies, start to grow better. With those energies, the amount of which increased. Other types of people start to set records. These are the people, who resonate better with the growing cosmic energies.

Let’s specify this scientifically with image-metaphors. There are empirical studies by A.F. Chernyaev (A.F. Chernyaev The Earth Beating, Change in Weight of Bodies and Gravitational “Constant”. M.: A.F. Chernyaev Publ, 2007. – 101 p. 1996, 2007) on the change in weight of bodies at different Earth’s rotational velocities. He has been scaling different bars for many years. It appears that their weight decreases in different seasons, strictly in accordance with the Earth’s rotational velocity. The less the rate is – the more the bars weigh.

There are studies by V. Shauberger (V. Shauberger Water Energy. – M.: Eksmo, 2007, P. 286-287) on the flow of rivers. The river is wide and quiet. Its spinning energy almost equals zero: there is no water rotation. But under the influence of gravity, it begins to flow faster. Water rotation starts. The river narrows. And the water rotational rate is to the maximum at the fastest interval of its flow. It has the right or the left spin. The spinning energy is maximized. Then, the river begins to flow slowly again. The water rotational rate is to the minimum. The spinning energy decreases. Then, there is acceleration of the flow of the river again, but the water has the opposite spin now.

The mill can be constructed on the fast section of the river flow. And you should wait calmly for the effects of gravity forces on the quiet one.

You filled the sink with water. The gravity force started pressing it. You removed the plug. Water rushed down, spinning. At the moment it was falling down its weight was minimal and its rate was maximal. The gravity energy became the spinning one.

The nature is arranged in such a way: there is too much of one type of energy, and the other is insufficient. High rotational rate of Earth flight – and there is a lot of energy associated with it. The rate is falling – there is a lot of gravity energy.

A human being, a living creature responds to this with restructuring the psyche and physiology. It has been studied a lot in small cycles: cycles of the Moon, cycles of planetary movement and others impact differently on the human electrocortical activity, the activity of different parts of our brain. Some of them are more active at the minimum Earth’s rotational velocity and others – at the maximum rate. We are different. Due to this, the mankind has a high survival capacity. The fact is that the cycles of Earth movement and rotation are different. The rates of movement in terms of different reference systems are different. The ratio between these types of energy in time may be different.

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