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Приключения Шерлока Холмса / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (сборник) - стр. 3

2. What does Holmes’ behaviour at the beginning of the story tell us about his character?

2. Find the following words and phrases in the text and reproduce situations from the text with them. Give Russian equivalents.

1. rather… than

would rather do smth than do smth else

2. to occur

It occurred to smb

3. to share a room / flat

4. as a rule

5. to call on smb

6. to accompany smb to some place

7. to investigate a case

8. to care for smb / smth

3. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences so as to use the words and phrases above.

1. Sherlock Holmes usually allowed Dr. Watson to follow his investigations.

2. Sherlock Holmes looked into a lot of tragic events.

3. When my friend told me she felt nervous before her first concert I offered to go there with her.

4. The two sisters lived in the same room.

5. Anne’s grandmother lived next door and the girl often visited her after classes.

6. Sherlock Holmes preferred doing nothing to investigating common cases.

7. I don’t really think that he loves anyone but himself.

8. I don’t know when the accident happened.

9. When Dr. Watson was woken up very early in the morning, he had an idea that the house was on fire.

10. The teacher said he would prefer teaching bright students for a small pay to teaching stupid students for a higher pay.

4. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases above in the correct form.

1. Emily… an office with eight other people. She says it’s very noisy there…

2. When Anne arrived at the hospital she said she’d….. a ward with some other patients… have a private ward. It was the first time she was in hospital and she wanted to have somebody to talk to.

3. If you’re afraid to go to the doctor, I can… you there.

4. Sherlock Holmes… a lot of… together with Dr. Watson and Police Inspector Lestrade.

5. Monica would like to become a vet as she… animals.

6. Tom would… travel by train… by air. He hates travelling by plane.

7. Evelyn was short of money and… to her that she could borrow some from her aunt.

8. Several car accidents… at the crossroads before traffic-lights were put up there.

9. Don’t cook curry for our party. We don’t… Indian food.

10. Helen Stoner… Sherlock Holmes early in the morning and asked him… her…


“My name is Helen Stoner, and I am living with my stepfather, who is the last of one of the oldest families in England, the Roylotts of Stoke Moran.

“The family was at one time among the richest in England, but at present only a few acres of land and an old house are left. The last squire lived the horrible life of a poor aristocrat; but his only son, my stepfather

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