Православная миссия в Таиланде в 1999-2014 гг. - стр. 6
Its objectivity is conditioned by the fact that it is based on authentic documents, and conclusions, which were conditioned exclusively by data of objective analysis.
The aim of this work is to examine the history of the Orthodox mission in Thailand in the years 1999-2014. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following research tasks:
1. To study the formation and development of the mission of the Russian Orthodox Church in Thailand in recent times, including:
– the history of the formation of the structure of the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Thailand from 1999-2014, (churches, monasteries, educational work);
– the interaction of the Representation with the state and society of Thailand.
2. To analyze trends in the modern Orthodox mission in Thailand, including:
– the mission among the Russian-speaking population;
– the mission among Thais.
The methodological basis of the work was the comparative-historical method, focused on objective completeness of the study and its critical nature, the method of historicism and the systematic approach.
We understand the historicism as the principle of studying and explaining reality, requiring consideration of objects and phenomena in the specific historical conditions of their formation and development. This requirement is based on the fact that all things and phenomena are interrelated and constantly changing. It is the principle of historicism that allows the consideration of the history of Orthodoxy in Thailand in recent times, and in its entirety, being based on the concrete historical material. . The use of a systematic approach allows us to consider the position of Orthodoxy in the Kingdom in the general religious life of the country.
The object of this research is the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Kingdom of Thailand in its formation and development; the subject of study is its Christian mission realized among the Russian and the local population.
The theoretical and practical significance of this study are conditioned by a system-theoretical combination of the accumulated information about the development of Orthodoxy in Thailand in 1999-2014 and data of practical experience of the mission in this country (the scientific work of the Archimandrite Oleg (Cherepanin), as it was mentioned above, ended with the year 2008).
The sources and literature used, allow us in combination with the chosen methodological approach, to elucidate the theme of the research in a clear manner.