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Политическая наука №3 / 2013. Между империей и современным государством: Трансформация политического порядка на постимперских пространствах - стр. 16


Barkey K. Thinking about consequences of empire // After empire: multiethnic societies and nation-building. The Soviet Union, and the Russian, Ottoman and Habsburg empires / Barkey K., von Hagen M. (eds.). – Boulder, Oxford: Westview press, 1997. – P. 99–114.

Bartolini S. Restructuring Europe: Centre formation, system building, and political structuring between the nation state and the European Union. – Oxford: Oxford univ. press, 2005. – 415 p.

Benhabib S. Citizens, residents, and aliens in a changing world: Political membership in the global era // The postnational self: Belonging and identity / Hedetoft U., Hjort M. (eds.). – Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota press, 2002. – P. 85–119.

Botz G. Post-1918 Austria: A case study applying three macro models of Stein Rokkan // Forward to the past?: Continuity and change in political development in Hungary, Austria, and the Czech and Slovak Republics. – Aarhus; Oakville, Conn.: Aarhus univ., 1997. – P. 118–136.

Brubaker R. Aftermaths of empire and the unmixing of peoples // After empire: multiethnic societies and nation-building. The Soviet Union, and the Russian, Ottoman and Habsburg empires/ Barkey K., von Hagen M. (eds.). – Boulder, Oxford: Westview press, 1997. – P. 155–180.

Citizens, elections, parties / S. Rokkan, A. Campbell, P. Torsvik, H. Valen. – Oslo: Universitet-forlaget, 1970. – 470 p.

Clogg R. A concise history of Greece. – Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 1992. – 291 p.

Colomer J. Bringing the empire back in // GCG Georgetown university – Universia. – Madrid; Wash., D.C., 2008. – Vol. 2, N 1. – P. 48–58.

Crisis, choice, and change: Historical studies of political development / Almond G., Flanagan S., Mundt R. (eds.). – Boston, EUA: Little Brown, 1973. – 717 p.

Dimitrova-Grajzl V. The great divide revisited: Ottoman and Habsburg legacies on transition // KYKLOS. – Oxford, 2007. – Vol. 60, N 4. – P. 539–558.

East Central Europe between the two World Wars, A history of East Central Europe / Rothschild J. (ed.). – Seattle, WA: Univ. of Washington press, 1998. – 420 p.

Fossum J.E. Conceptualizing the European Union through four strategies of comparison // Comparative European politics. – Houndmills, 2006. – Vol. 4, N 1. – P. 94–123.

Gagaptay S. Islam, secularism, and nationalism in modern Turkey. Who is a Turk? – Abingdon, N.Y.: Routledge, 2006. – 262 p.

Hobsbaum E.J. The end of empires // After empire: multiethnic societies and nation-building. The Soviet Union, and the Russian, Ottoman and Habsburg empires / Barkey K., von Hagen M. (eds.). – Boulder, Oxford: Westview press, 1997. – P. 12–18.

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