Политическая наука. 2017. Спецвыпуск - стр. 3
Ключевые слова: государственная политика; инфраструктура; экономическое развитие; борьба с бедностью.
Abstract. This study seeks to understand the process of infrastructure projects implementation. The new political environment appeared for the last decades, determines the necessity for a profound academic analysis of infrastructure policy. Thus, for example, new initiatives provided by president D. Trump in the USA and ones suggested by Xi Jinping in China significantly change the infrastructure strategies.
The author stresses the high level of inequality in modern World and evaluates it as a sign predicting the formation of consolidated global development projects. Infrastructure inequality is a significant limitation for economy. The lack of new infrastructure projects limits economic potential of a country and preserves underdevelopment. At the same time, the infrastructure development demands large investments in a sector and calls for a new investment policy approach.
The author claims that in spite of the globalization influence, modern nation-states are the key actors of infrastructure development. However, it is a frequently appearing situation, when a government, being the main actor in this field, ignores people`s demand for infrastructure building.
The attempts of interest groups, representing only elite`s interests, are not popular among the society and its counteragents and, thus, discredit a political system or even the World political and economic order. In this sense, projects suggesting an alternative view on infrastructure development will be seen as much more attractive and realistic for the population.
Keywords: public policy; infrastructure; economic development; struggle against poverty.
Развитие инфраструктуры входит в политическую повестку многих политических лидеров и политических сил. Д. Трамп в своей предвыборной программе заявлял о развитии инфраструктуры и после выборов сформировал пакет из 50 инфраструктурных проектов общей стоимостью 137,5 млрд долл. [Администрация Трампа… 2017]. Китайский лидер Си Цзиньпин еще в 2013 г. выступил с инициативами по созданию Экономического пояса Шелкового пути и Морского шелкового пути, которые теперь известны как инициатива «Один пояс, один путь» [Китайский глобальный проект… 2016, с. 13], во многом определяющая содержательную повестку рассуждений о развитии на евроазиатском пространстве. В своих инфраструктурных предложениях Китай поражает не только масштабом