Пьесы - стр. 13
He. No! Mundog! Is the greate musishion, they called them «Viking from sixth Awenu».
She. Why he did burned here?
He. It is long story, but we are not harry?
She. Forget about, wikienziklopedist. Hey! Where you going?
He. At cemetery. I have to find Mundogs grave.
She. No. Don’t live me here.
He. I ll be back soon. Or you can go with me. Foto me nere the his grave.
She. No. You stupid Russian. Stay with me.
He. What do you say?
She. Stay with me.
He. Not, before it. You sad, «Stupid Russian».
She. I sad it becose you…
He. May be you think all Russian is stupid?
She. No.
He. Are you hate Russian?
She. What? No!
He. May be you nazi?
She. I am not!
He. So why you called me stupid Russian?
She. I am just…
She grabs her head and kiss her. Kiss – 20—30 second.
He. And I was not wake up. It is not dream.
She. Please don’t live me along.
He. Now I will go with you everywere.
She. Just at hotel, please. Do you know where we are?
He. Yes. We are at the park. At the rubbits field. There is the lake. And there is you hotel. 5 minute walk around lake.
She. Do you knew it all time?
He. Yes.
She. Stupid russan. Do you now what is you promlem?
He. I have no problem.
She. All you have this problem.
Pausa. He thinks.
He. President Putin?
She. No.
He. Our broken English?
She. No. I am talking not about your fucking Russia. A am talking about differens between man and women.
He. So what is the differens?
She. When I saw you and you smiled me, I thougth – he will helps me. When you saw me and I smiled you, you thought – I will have sex with her. This is the differens. We are used different langvich. And broken English don’t help us. Think about it, stupid Russian.
She kiss her at chek.
She. It was a dream. Now you wake up.
She is leaving.
He (offensiv). It was not a dream.
He. I suppose I will not have a sex with her today.
He. May be tomorrow?
He is leaving.
He. (behind the stage) Fucking rubbits, stop scaring me!
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Алена, жена директора
Женщина из налоговой
1 действие
(1 картина)
Деревенский дом. Входит Антон. В руках у него лыжи. Тихонов сидит у окна и смотрит на Антона. Антон ставит лыжи у стены.
АНТОН. Здравствуйте.
(Тихонов молчит)
АНТОН. Здравствуйте. Я через речку пришел на лыжах.
(Тихонов молчит)
АНТОН. (Громко, подходя все ближе к Тихонову. Под конец почти кричит ему в ухо) Я из Волоковца приехал. Студент. Зовут меня Антон. Филолог. Собираю разные слова. Сейчас зима, в экспедиции никто не ездит. Холодно. Но у нас в институте каникулы, вот я и решил немного попрактиковаться. Думаю, наберу материала для курсовой, а то, глядишь, и на диплом… я говорю, на диплом потянет. Я на третьем курсе учусь. Я вам водку привез.