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Наземные и морские экосистемы - стр. 96

Melnikov I.A., Zhitina L.S., Kolosova E.G. 2001. The Arctic sea ice biological communities in recent environmental changes. In: Mem. Natl. Inst. Polar Res., Spec. Issue. Vol. 54, pp. 409–416.

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NASA SP–459. 1983. Antarctic Sea Ice, 1973–1976: Satellite Passive-microwave observations. W.: NASA Sci. Tech. Info. Branch. 206 p.

NASA SP–489. 1987. Arctic Sea Ice, 1973–1976: Satellite Passive – microwave observations. W.: NASA Sci. Tech. Info. Branch. 296 p.

Parkinson C.L., Cavaliere D.J., Gloersen P., J.C. Comiso, Zwally H.J. 1999. Arctic sea ice extents, areas, and trends, 1978–1996. In: J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 104, pp. 20837–20856.

Rothrock D.A., Yu Y., Maykut G.A. 1999. Thinning of the Arctic sea ice cover. In: Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 26, pp. 3469–3472.

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Subba Rao D.V., Platt T. 1984. Primary production of arctic waters. In: Polar Biol. Vol. 3, pp. 191–201.

I.A. Melnikov[7], R.M. Gogorev[8]. Assessment of the state of Central Arctic basin sea ice ecosystem by the observation data obtained during the IPY


Data of observations executed in 1970–1980 and during the International Polar Year (2007–2008) have been analyzed. It is shown, that there were intensive changes in structure of sea ice ecosystem at the Arctic Ocean. The reasons of natural or anthropogenous influence of these changes are not discussed. General features in formation of multi-year and seasonal sea ice communities are considered. The transition forecast of arctic pelagic ecosystem dynamic from stage of a permanent ice cover to conditions of seasonal development is given.

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