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Копи царя Соломона / King Solomon's Mines - стр. 5

Well, I had better come to the yoke. It is a stiff place, and I feel as though I were bogged up to the axle. But, “sutjes, sutjes,” as the Boers say – I am sure I don’t know how they spell it – softly does it. A emphasis team will come through at last, that is, if they are not too poor. You can never do anything with poor oxen. Now to make a start.

yoke [jǝʊk]

axle ['æksl ]

Но не пора ли мне впрягаться в ярмо? Почва тут трудная, и мне кажется, будто я увяз в трясине по самую ось. Однако волы справятся с этим без особого труда. Сильная упряжка всегда в конце концов вытянет, со слабыми же волами, конечно, ничего не поделаешь! Итак, я начинаю!

I, Allan Quatermain, of Durban, Natal, Gentleman, make oath and say – That’s how I headed my deposition before the magistrate about poor Khiva’s and Ventvögel’s sad deaths; but somehow it doesn’t seem quite the right way to begin a book. And, besides, am I a gentleman? What is a gentleman? I don’t quite know, and yet I have had to do with niggers – no, I will scratch out that word “niggers,” for I do not like it. I’ve known natives who are, and so you will say, Harry, my boy, before you have done with this tale, and I have known mean whites with lots of money and fresh out from home, too, who are not.

«Я, Аллан Квотермейн из Дурбана, в Натале[8], джентльмен, приношу присягу и заявляю…» – так начал я свои показания на суде относительно печальной кончины Хивы и Вентфогеля, но, пожалуй, для книги это не совсем подходящее начало. И вообще, могу ли я назвать себя джентльменом? Что такое джентльмен? Мне это не совсем ясно. В своей жизни я имел дело не с одним ниггером[9]. Нет, я зачеркну это слово, оно мне совсем не по душе! Я знал туземцев, которые были джентльменами, с чем ты согласишься, Гарри, мой мальчик, прежде чем прочтешь эту книгу до конца. Знавал я также очень скверных и подлых белых, которые, однако, джентльменами не были, хоть денег у них было очень много.

At any rate, I was born a gentleman, though I have been nothing but a poor travelling trader and hunter all my life. Whether I have remained so I know not, you must judge of that. Heaven knows I've tried. I have killed many men in my time, yet I have never slain wantonly or stained my hand in innocent blood, but only in self-defence. The Almighty gave us our lives, and I suppose He meant us to defend them, at least I have always acted on that, and I hope it will not be brought up against me when my clock strikes. There, there, it is a cruel and a wicked world, and for a timid man I have been mixed up in a great deal of fighting. I cannot tell the rights of it, but at any rate I have never stolen, though once I cheated a Kafir out of a herd of cattle. But then he had done me a dirty turn, and it has troubled me ever since into the bargain.

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