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Копи царя Соломона / King Solomon's Mines - стр. 43

Теперь перехожу к прислуге, которая должна была нас сопровождать. После долгих обсуждений мы решили, что вполне достаточно взять с собой пять человек: проводника, кучера и трех слуг.

The driver and leader I found without much difficulty, two Zulus, named respectively Goza and Tom; but to get the servants proved a more difficult matter. It was necessary that they should be thoroughly trustworthy and brave men, as in a business of this sort our lives might depend upon their conduct. At last I secured two, one a Hottentot named Ventvögel, or “windbird,” and one a little Zulu named Khiva, who had the merit of speaking English perfectly. Ventvögel I had known before; he was one of the most perfect “spoorers,” that is, game trackers, I ever had to do with, and tough as whipcord. He never seemed to tire. But he had one failing, so common with his race, drink. Put him within reach of a bottle of gin and you could not trust him. However, as we were going beyond the region of grog-shops this little weakness of his did not so much matter.

trustworthy ['trʌst,wɜ:ði]

conduct ['kɒndʌkt] (noun)

И кучера, и проводника я нашел без особого труда. Это были два зулуса по имени Гоза и Том. Найти же слуг оказалось делом более сложным. Нам нужны были люди храбрые, надежные, на которых мы могли бы полностью положиться, так как от их поведения могла зависеть наша жизнь. Наконец мне удалось найти двух – одного готтентота[38] по имени Вентфогель, что значит «птица ветров», и маленького зулуса Хиву, у которого было то достоинство, что он отлично говорил по-английски. Вентфогеля я знал давно. В своей жизни я редко встречал лучшего охотника-следопыта. Он был необычайно вынослив и, казалось, состоял из одних мускулов и сухожилий. Но, к сожалению, у него был один недостаток, присущий его племени: он любил выпить. Поэтому полностью на него положиться было нельзя: стоило поставить перед ним бутылку грога – и он забывал все на свете. Но так как мы отправлялись в места, где не было ни трактиров, ни винных лавок, эта маленькая слабость не имела особого значения.

Having secured these two men I looked in vain for a third to suit my purpose, so we determined to start without one, trusting to luck to find a suitable man on our way up country. But, as it happened, on the evening before the day we had fixed for our departure the Zulu Khiva informed me that a Kafir was waiting to see me. Accordingly, when we had done dinner, for we were at table at the time, I told Khiva to bring him in. Presently a tall, handsome-looking man, somewhere about thirty years of age, and very light-coloured for a Zulu, entered, and lifting his knob-stick by way of salute, squatted himself down in the corner on his haunches, and sat silent. I did not take any notice of him for a while, for it is a great mistake to do so. If you rush into conversation at once, a Zulu is apt to think you a person of little dignity or consequence. I observed, however, that he was a “Keshla” or ringed man; that is, he wore on his head the black ring, made of a species of gum polished with fat and worked up in the hair, which is usually assumed by Zulus on attaining a certain age or dignity. Also it struck me that his face was familiar to me.

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