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Копи царя Соломона / King Solomon's Mines - стр. 39

Then I pocketed my cheque for £500. Having paid this tribute to my bump of caution, I purchased a wagon and a span of oxen on Sir Henry’s behalf, and beauties they were. It was a twenty-two-foot wagon with iron axles, very emphasis, very light, and built throughout of stink wood; not quite a new one, having been to the Diamond Fields and back, but, in my opinion, all the better for that, for I could see that the wood was well seasoned. If anything is going to give in a wagon, or if there is green wood in it, it will show out on the first trip. This particular vehicle was what we call a “half-tented” wagon, that is to say, only covered in over the after twelve feet, leaving all the front part free for the necessaries we had to carry with us. In this after part were a hide “cartle,” or bed, on which two people could sleep, also racks for rifles, and many other little conveniences. I gave £125 for it, and think that it was cheap at the price.

cheque [ʧek]

caution ['kɔ:ʃn]

purchased ['pɜ:ʧǝst] (purchase)

vehicle ['vi:ɪkl ]

conveniences [kǝn'vi:niǝnsɪz]

Положив чек на пятьсот фунтов в карман и отдав таким образом дань предосторожности, я купил за счет сэра Генри фургон и упряжку превосходных волов. Фургон был длиной в двадцать два фута, на железных осях, очень прочный и легкий, правда, не совсем новый. Один раз он уже побывал на Алмазных россыпях, но вернулся оттуда без повреждений. Это еще больше меня убедило в том, что повозка была сделана из сухого, хорошо выдержанного дерева. Если фургон плохо слажен или сделан из сырого материала, это обнаруживается при первой же поездке. Задняя часть нашей повозки на протяжении двенадцати футов была крыта брезентом в виде навеса, передняя же, предназначенная для багажа, была открыта. Такие фургоны у нас называются «полукрытыми». Задняя часть была приспособлена для жилья – в ней находилась постель из шкур, на которой могли спать два человека, полка для оружия и кое-какие необходимые вещи. Я дал за него сто двадцать пять фунтов и считаю, что это было недорого.

Then I bought a beautiful team of twenty Zulu oxen, which I had kept my eye on for a year or two. Sixteen oxen is the usual number for a team, but I took four extra to allow for casualties. These Zulu cattle are small and light, not more than half the size of the Africander oxen, which are generally used for transport purposes; but they will live where the Africanders would starve, and with a moderate load can make five miles a day better going, being quicker and not so liable to become footsore. What is more, this lot were thoroughly “salted,” that is, they had worked all over South Africa, and so had become proof, comparatively speaking, against red water, which so frequently destroys whole teams of oxen when they get on to strange “veldt” or grass country. As for “lung sick,” which is a dreadful form of pneumonia, very prevalent in this country, they had all been inoculated against it. This is done by cutting a slit in the tail of an ox, and binding in a piece of the diseased lung of an animal which has died of the sickness. The result is that the ox sickens, takes the disease in a mild form, which causes its tail to drop off, as a rule about a foot from the root, and becomes proof against future attacks. It seems cruel to rob the animal of his tail, especially in a country where there are so many flies, but it is better to sacrifice the tail and keep the ox than to lose both tail and ox, for a tail without an ox is not much good, except to dust with. Still it does look odd to trek along behind twenty stumps, where there ought to be tails. It seems as though Nature made a trifling mistake, and stuck the stern ornaments of a lot of prize bulldogs on to the rumps of the oxen.

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