Копи царя Соломона / King Solomon's Mines - стр. 12
“I was,” I answered, rather surprised that this gentleman should be so well acquainted with my movements, which were not, so far as I was aware, considered of general interest.
acquainted [ǝ'kweɪntɪd] acquaint
– Да, был, – отвечал я, несколько удивленный, что этот незнакомый джентльмен так хорошо осведомлен о моих странствиях, которые, как я полагал, особого интереса представлять не могли.
“You were trading there, were you not?” put in Captain Good, in his quick way.
– Вы там торговали? – с живостью спросил меня Гуд.
“I was. I took up a wagon-load of goods, made a camp outside the settlement, and stopped till I had sold them.”
– Да, я взял туда фургон с товаром, остановился у поселка и пробыл там, пока все не распродал.
Sir Henry was sitting opposite to me in a Madeira chair, his arms leaning on the table. He now looked up, fixing his large grey eyes full upon my face. There was a curious anxiety in them, I thought.
anxiety [æŋ'zaɪǝti]
Сэр Генри сидел против меня в плетеном кресле, облокотившись на стол. Он смотрел мне прямо в лицо своими проницательными серыми глазами, и казалось, что его взгляд выражает какое-то странное волнение.
“Did you happen to meet a man called Neville there?”
– Вы случайно не встречали там человека по фамилии Невилль?
“Oh, yes; he outspanned alongside of me for a fortnight to rest his oxen before going on to the interior. I had a letter from a lawyer a few months back, asking me if I knew what had become of him, which I answered to the best of my ability at the time.”
– Ну как же, конечно, встречал! Он распряг упряжку рядом с моим фургоном и прожил там две недели, чтобы дать возможность отдохнуть волам, перед тем как отправиться в глубь страны. Несколько месяцев назад я получил письмо от какого-то стряпчего, который просил меня сообщить, не знаю ли я, что сталось с Невиллем. Я сразу же написал ему все, что знал.
“Yes,” said Sir Henry, “your letter was forwarded to me. You said in it that the gentleman called Neville left Bamangwato at the beginning of May in a wagon with a driver, a voorlooper, and a Kafir hunter called Jim, announcing his intention of trekking if possible as far as Inyati, the extreme trading post in the Matabele country, where he would sell his wagon and proceed on foot. You also said that he did sell his wagon, for six months afterwards you saw the wagon in the possession of a Portuguese trader, who told you that he had bought it at Inyati from a white man whose name he had forgotten, and that he believed the white man with the native servant had started off for the interior on a shooting trip.”