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Кембриджская школа. Теория и практика интеллектуальной истории - стр. 29

[Pagden 1985] – The Languages of Political Theory in Early-Modern Europe / Ed. by A. Pagden. Cambridge, 1985.

[Pagden 1988] – Pagden A. Review: Rethinking the Linguistic Turn: Current Anxieties in Intellectual History // Journal of the History of Ideas. 1988. Vol. 49. № 3. P. 519–529.

[Palonen 1999] – Palonen K. Rhetorical and Temporal Perspectives on Conceptual Change // The Finnish Yearbook of Political Thought. 1999. Vol. III. P. 41–59.

[Palonen 2003] – Palonen K. Quentin Skinner: History, Politics, Rhetoric. Cambridge, 2003.

[Pettit 1997] – Pettit Ph. Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government. Oxford, 1997.

[Phillipson, Skinner 1993] – Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain / Ed. by N. Phillipson and Q. Skinner. Cambridge, 1993.

[Pocock 1957] – Pocock J. G. A. The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law: A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge, 1957.

[Pocock 1962] – Pocock J. G. A. The History of Political Thought: A Methodological Inquiry // Philosophy, Politics and Society. 2nd series / Ed. by P. Laslett and W. G. Runciman. Oxford, 1962. P. 183–202.

[Pocock 1965] – The Maori and New Zealand Politics: Talks from a N. Z. B. C. Series with Additional Essays / Ed. by J. G. A. Pocock. Auckland, 1965.

[Pocock 1971] – Pocock J. G. A. Politics, Language, and Time: Essays on Political Thought and History. Chicago, 1971.

[Pocock 1971/2009] – Pocock J. G. A. Working on Ideas in Time [1971] // Pocock J. G. A. Political Thought and History: Essays on Theory and Method. Cambridge, 2009. P. 20–32.

[Pocock 1975] – Pocock J. G. A. The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition. Princeton, 1975.

[Pocock 1980] – Three British Revolutions: 1641, 1688, 1776 / Ed. by J. G. A. Pocock. Princeton, 1980.

[Pocock 1985] – Pocock J. G. A. Virtue, Commerce and History: Essays on Political Thought and History, Chiefly in the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge, 1985.

[Pocock 1987 / 2009] – Pocock J. G. A. The Concept of a Language and the métier d’historien: Some Considerations on Practice [1987] // Pocock J. G. A. Political Thought and History: Essays on Theory and Method. Cambridge, 2009. P. 87–105.

[Pocock 1996] – Pocock J. G. A. Concepts and Discourses: A Difference in Culture? Comment on a Paper by Melvin Richter // The Meaning of Historical Terms and Concepts: New Studies on Begriffsgeschichte / Ed. by H. Lehmann and M. Richter. Washington, 1996. P. 47–58.

[Pocock 1996 / 2009] – Pocock J. G. A. The Historian as Political Actor in Polity, Society and Academy [1996] // Pocock J. G. A. Political Thought and History: Essays on Theory and Method. Cambridge, 2009. P. 217–238.

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