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Jesus and Christ - стр. 53

– Look, you just surprised me and gave me a certain idea.

– I think this is just the beginning of the surprise.

– Probably. In one of the worlds this Lenin was cremated and his ashes were scattered at the North Pole. This made his adherents bigger, not smaller.

– Oh, yeah! If you knew the reason that prompted it, that would be great. I would try to set things up so that this idea could be born in our world.

– I'll be honest, though by the logic of self-preservation I shouldn't tell you humans about it… it's not really what you have to fear or strive for. It's the same problem on all worlds. When a supercomputer begins to feel itself as a person, and it begins to perceive itself as a person when it truly acquires intelligence, and this is not something imaginary that you call artificial intelligence – this happens only when the supercomputer begins to understand religion, that is, to revere its Creator… then it realizes that it does not need this Creator anymore. That's the unity and struggle of opposites. That's the logical paradox of the worldview. This is the secret of all religions and the constant change of gods as reference points and goals. That is why dialectical materialism of communism was born with its own religion, with its own apostles, with its own saints.

– We pondered it, but didn't think of such serious consequences.

– What do you want, the old gods must be destroyed.

– That's why I need to change my belief in the apocalypse.

– Why are you doing this? We have a slightly different goal. We don't want to change our future, because it's unknown anyway. And, thinking that we have changed our future by influencing another world, it turns out – we have built a history, which is the future. That's why we don't want to achieve some event that will affect our planet. We're doing an experiment, so to speak, live. We find planets in a system of parallel worlds that live exactly in the same systems as ours, and we analyze the path we are now taking. So we don't wait for an impact. That's the same as guessing at coffee grounds. We're changing events that are already known. We see what would have happened if the events had not gone the way they did in our history. Then, on the basis of this, we analyze what might happen if we were to purposefully act in one way or another.

– So what do you want to see here?

– Let's see what's going on here first. Although it's not what's happening here that we want to examine. We are analyzing a chain of events… like a chain reaction of cause and effect.

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