Jesus and Christ - стр. 50
– I would love to explore your world.
– Please. Just finish the thought of your fellow tribesmen, the androids. I hope you're not offended by such rhetoric.
– Why should it be? It's flattering," Rabbi stroked his beard and scratched a little at the stubble on his cheeks. – I was talking about the way androids were brought up – the ladies deprived them of their penis, if, of course, this organ can be so characterized when speaking of humanoid robots. That is, as a special punishment, they would remove the android's penis. But that was at first, too. Then they came up with another trick. The reason for this was a conflict between the two programs. There were even casualties. Robots started refusing to give access to their bodies. The penis had to be removed somehow. And in order for the android to understand the logic, it was necessary to remove it as if from a living one, that is, to take it away and thus show the power of people. And they take it and rebel. It all started with this… When investigating a case, it turned out that one cunning type, a grandfather by age, but a young man by clone-option, decided to test his android, and for the test he used not eunuchs – we call those who make sex tests for androids – but the android itself. And how do you think he got him involved, how did he get him interested? Well, here's how: they added an option to the program so that the male android could be charged through his penis, and the charging socket was made… I hope you understand.
– Ha, that's funny. Then how did he initially become interested in exercise? Was it a mandatory program?
– The charging itself did not have a compulsion option, it had an option to be mobile, so the limb functions would gradually shut down as the battery was drained. First they slowed down when, for example, there was no solar charging, and after that, if there was no stationary charging, whether wired or wireless, one hand would shut down, then the penis in men, and then they slowed down and eventually all motor functions were completely shut down.
– This again begs the question, why would he, an android, want to be mobile? But okay, we have the immediate mission program.
– Hmmm, I told you, he was programmed to want that.....
Suddenly the two interlocutors were thinking about the same thing. It was clear from their simultaneous slowing down, from their gazes at each other, which expressed penetrating thoughtfulness, and from the simultaneous change in their facial expressions. Each thought – what program had been put into him? One was thinking about God, the other about man.