Jesus and Christ - стр. 22
Chapter 3: Dream, reality and technology
(An experiment to search for a similar environment in the Universe using the method of moving consciousness to a parallel world. Venue: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna. Experiment setup: Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA). Key element of the research setup: MPD (Multi-Purpose Detector). Displacement Consciousness: scientific director of the Sphere research center, Master Paschow. Stage: moral and psychological preparation. The session is conducted by a psychotherapist of the highest qualification, Professor Zamira Faikovna).
– Every day, when you fall asleep, you find yourself in some parallel world, in which everything seems to be the same as in your life, in the system of being in which you live, but a little different. Do you agree that it is so? Yes, your body is where you lie, but your consciousness… You will not deny your ability (if you take your consciousness, not your body, for the notion "you") to make decisions there, in that world, in which your consciousness finds itself? You can argue as much as you like....
– I've heard that before," Ruthra interrupted her, to which the psychoanalyst responded with a pause and an open palm gesture of 'calm.
Ruthra had visualized this moment many times before. The moment of launching the process of consciousness transfer. It was similar in moral categorization to the moment of launching a spaceship with a crew hurtling into the void relative to the native air. No matter how confident Ruthra was in his technology, in his theory, in his hypothesis, doubts still gnawed at his soul. He doubted and worried, like everyone in his position. He was also tormented by the question – would he fall into a dream or would the really mysterious property of the quantum world transport his consciousness to the far reaches of the universe? One thing sounded from the psychological training specialist, but the question in Rutra's mind was: when, at what stage does a child begin to understand the phenomenon of sleep? Do we remember when we had our first dream? What if, when we sleep, our body is transported from one place to another? For example, from a warm land to a cold one, to another part of the world, to another society… the dream would still be the same, but when we wake up, we would see a different world.
– Dr. Rutra, are you in some parallel universe again? Well, if you don't need my advice, then I'm sorry, good riddance," the doctor murmured, noticing the distracted look in his eyes, her voice clearly tinged with a mixture of resentment and displeasure.