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Измененные состояния сознания. Хрестоматия - стр. 28

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18 Farthing G. W. The psychology of consciousness. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 1992.

19 Fisсher R. Cartography of Conscious States: Integration of East and West // Altered states of consciousness: A book of reading / Ed. by C. T. Tart. New York. 1969. P. 2 4 – 57.

20 Fromm E. Primary and secondary process in waking and in altered states of consci-osness // Journal of altered states of consciousness. 1978–1979. V. 4. № 2. P. 115–128.

21 Goodwin D. W., Powell B., Bremer D., Hoine H., Stern J. Alcohol and Recall: State-Dependent Effects in Man // Science. 1969. V. 163. 21 March. № 3873. P. 1358–1360.

22 Gowan J. C. Altered states of consciousness: taxonomy // Journal of altered states of consciousness. 1978–1979. V. 4. № 2. P. 141–156.

23 Hunt H. T., Chefurka C. M. A test of the psychedelic model of altered states of consciousness: The role of introspective sensitization in eliciting unusual subjective reports // Archives of general psychiatry. 1976. V. 33. № 7. P. 867–876.

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25 Ludwig A. W. Altered states of consciousness // Altered states of consciousness: A book of reading / Ed. by C. T. Tart. New York, 1969. P. 9–22.

26 Martindale C. Cognition and Consciousness. Homewood, Ill.: The Dorsey Press. 1981.

27 Mogar R. R. Current status and future trends in psychedelic (LSD) research // Altered states of consciousness: A book of reading / Ed. by C. T. Tart. New York, 1969. P. 3 81 – 3 9 7.

28 Suedfeld P. E., Borrie R. A. Altering states of consciousness through sensory deprivation // Expanding dimensions of consciousness. N. Y., 1978. P. 226–252.

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