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In resonance with cosmic energies: terrorism and marketing - стр. 7

We note immediately, that, according to reputable laboratories (see: http://www.tesis.lebedev.ru/magnetic_storms.html?m=1&d=31&y=2015), we have not found the connection of the intensity of magnetic storms on Earth, and the number of killed people in terrorist attacks in the January 2015. But there is the connection with the Earth's rotational velocity.

At all points of the Earth's rotational reverse (in the days of change of acceleration of rotation), the number of victims of terrorist attacks usually jumps. So that the connection in the rotational velocity to the intensity of the attacks have a decadal and individual days’ scale.

And the times of a change of the acceleration of Earth are also the days of a change in the density of the ether around Earth due to this factor. Under the acceleration of Earth, it is covered by waves of the ether. Just like the air on a motorcycle rider gaining speed. Physicists have made a model of changes in an ether density at the body’s acceleration change.

This also applies to Earth. Only at the approach of a speed of a body to the speed of light, compact ether does not give the body to increase its speed. And Earth moves in the less compacted layers of the ether, and we did not feel it like sometimes we do not feel the air.

You can see this process clearly in the dynamics.

See: А. Kim. The mechanics of the ether and the principle of relativity. . http://314159.ru/kim/aether.htm

This is an important departure. It shows that the peaks of the attacks at the time of change of acceleration of the earth coincide with the change in the ether density.

According to the physics, streams of cosmic ether coming to Earth from the direction of the Leo constellation, and according to the etherodynamics laws of the flow around Earth. At the same time, in the world there are areas of high and low ether pressure. A density of ether in the world is different. Is it related to the spread of terrorism?

See:  http://ether-wind.narod.ru/glava22.htm. A wind of the ether: a problem, errors, goals V. А. Atsukowski // A wind of the ether. Collection of articles / Edited by V. А. Atsukowski. – М.: Energoatomisdat, 1993. – 288 p. – ISBN 5-283-04990-6.

We select the diagram zone of low pressure ether on the globe.


Compare the zone of growth of irregularities in the ether density in the world with places on the map, which marked with the intensity of terrorist attacks. They are the same.

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