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In resonance with cosmic energies: terrorism and marketing - стр. 3

(e) Malignant brain tumor (brain stem) (see: Legler Julie M., 1999) ;

(f) the number of deaths from ICD9 item n 191 Malignant neoplasm of brain (see: Pechholdova M., 2008);

(g) Brain lymphoma incidences in US;

(h) the mortality rates from infectious diseases (incl. Tuberculosis) at ages 15 – 34 in France (see: Mesle F., 2006);

The curves (a) and (b) are smoothed by the sliding intervals of 5 and 11 years.

Such an integral indicator as the GDP growth rate also depends on the Earth's rotational velocity. This dependency is different in different countries.

But the GDP growth is determined by the people's labor activity. Naturally, people changes are also dependent on the Earth's rotational velocity.

On the example of hundreds of Russian and world record-holders, two trends have been identified.

1) Russian athletes win more often at point 5 (minimum of the Earth's rotational velocity) of the cosmic energies change cycle on a scale of days, whereas foreign ones – at point 1 (maximum of the Earth's rotational velocity) of that cycle.

2) Russian athletes win less often during growth of the Earth's rotational velocity.

Our athletes have set Russian records three times more often at the point of 5-day change cycles of the Earth's rotational velocity.

The achievements of Russian athletes significantly depend on cosmic energies, to a greater extent than the achievements of athletes in most countries of the world.

Regarding athletes, the following relationships are identified.

1. At different stages of the change in the Earth's rotational velocity the greatest success is achieved by the athletes who are predisposed by psychotype to activity, to higher achievements precisely at the given cosmic energies.

2. Russian athletes more often win and set the highest records, which are not beaten for decades, in the periods of slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity.

3. At the stages of different Earth's rotational velocity, different techniques and even systems of selection and athlete training will be more effective.

These conclusions are proven by statistics: during the most successful years, in terms of intensity of the considered cosmic energies, Russian athletes set historical records that cannot be beaten to this day.

There are many reasons for speculation and even doubts. But we will insist only on the obvious: at different stages of the Earth's rotational velocity, different types of athletes make great sports achievements. As well as various tree clusters grow differently at the different Earth's rotational velocity.

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