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In resonance with cosmic energies: terrorism and marketing - стр. 21

Terrorists are people of a special set of emotions. Anger is more typical for them, than joy. Individuals with lower frequency of EEG have anger arising frequently, much more frequently.

And the EEG frequency decreases with decreasing in a pressure of the ether density.

Figure Z. 1. Average values (M±SE) of evaluations of efficiency of actualization in individual subject space and experiencing emotions of “joy” and “anger” by factors “simplicity of extraction of a sign of memory” (ЛИСП), “accuracy of character’s generation” (ОГО) and “an intensity of experiencing” (ИП) in in groups of low– and high-frequency of EEG. 2. Graphs of linear correlation (Spearman) IAF with an amplitude of GSR under “joy”.

We draw attention to an important feature of the experience of positive and negative emotions by people with high and low EEG frequencies: the difference between these people in experience of negative emotions is more contrast than between the same people in experience of positive emotions. That is, in a situation of fear, we become more contrast and different than in a state of self-confidence. Some maintain high mental activity, and even a burst of energy, and the majority – fear.

Tumyalis A.V. Individual frequency of alpha-rhythm and the mechanisms of perception and experience of emotions. Dissertation… of the candidate of biological sciences. Novosibirsk, 2014. – 135 p.

The information for testees was presented at an unconscious level.

Rejection, anger, fear, sadness, and anxiety are inherent for individuals with a lower EEG frequency. That is, these people are a potential group for recruitment by terrorist organizations by specific methods. Such persons are more likely to experience maladjustment in their environment, they are marginals.

And such conditions are enhanced, aggravated by the corresponding cosmic energies (left-hand twisted ether of low density). Rejection, anger, fear, sadness, and anxiety increase. Of course, this occurs primarily in marginal, in people who have experienced social turmoil, individuals with mental disabilities, and others. Here, it is wrong to deny the social and socio-psychological factors of terrorism. They are superimposed and interwoven with cosmic factors. It breaks where it is thin… Cosmic energies that nourish humanity are constantly changing in intensity and direction of their spin. So the tendency to be "recruited" by terrorist changes due to changes in the dynamics of social factors and cosmic energies.

Of course, there are many assumptions in the experimental data on the differences in patients with high and low frequency of EEG. Much depends on the type of people, situations or an environment… But if such data were obtained in different scientific schools and in different ways, the data can be trusted in a large confidence limit.

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