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Harmonizing the Natal Chart - стр. 4

If the energy of a person born in April is used incorrectly—that is, if they earn little or do not advance in their career—they may begin to suppress those who are weaker than them and become a tyrant within their own family. If such a person does not invest in achievements or growth, circumstances will develop in such a way that they will have to work a lot. Financial problems may arise, and they will then be forced to negotiate with their superiors and climb the career ladder.

When financial stability comes, it will be necessary to learn to rest, relax, and stop worrying about their career. Since the person has already become a workaholic and a perfectionist, it will be difficult for them to do so. If, for some reason, they are unable to return to work, emotional burnout may occur.

It will be important to distribute energy evenly across different areas of life, paying attention to personal relationships, hobbies, sports, family, travel, and friends.

One must work on their relationship with their father. Competition with him is possible. Additionally, due to competition, relationships with relatives, friends, and colleagues may deteriorate.

Women born in April may compete with men, suppress them, and also struggle to get along with other women. Such a woman must learn to be soft and feminine (which will improve her personal life) while being strong at work. It also happens that a woman expects everything from her man and does not pursue her own career. This may be due to her father’s influence in childhood—he may not have allowed her to do anything. In cases where a woman competes with men, her father may have praised her and shown love only when she achieved something.

Born in May

These people are often authoritative figures whom others look up to. Their main task is to acquire and transmit knowledge.

Such a person must build their own system of values, as they may know better than any guru what they truly need. This applies to both personal life and profession. In this way, the person matures and does not waste themselves due to the influence of a mentor.

You possess the energy of a teacher and are capable of attracting students. If you give advice to your family and they laugh at you or do not listen, start consulting strangers and charging for your knowledge. If you acquire knowledge in any way but do not share it, the Universe may take away your job, money, or something else, leaving you with no choice but to apply your knowledge in practice.

It is also important for you to obtain diplomas and certificates—that is, to have social recognition. You must build a career or have your own business.

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