Harmonizing the Natal Chart - стр. 12
Harmonization of the Moon in Capricorn or the Tenth House of the Natal Chart
Such individuals fear losing stability, career opportunities, and the ability to achieve success and earn money. They also fear wasting time when plans fall apart.
They are not very emotional, but they can dwell on negativity for a long time, struggle with crises, perceive the world as hostile, and believe no one can help them. In such cases, it is beneficial to consult a psychologist, relax, and meditate. It is recommended to have an action plan in case of failure, ensuring an alternative if things do not go as expected.
These individuals need to learn how to rest, as they find it difficult to relax. It is important for them to focus on their achievements (they can write them down) rather than just their failures. Self-devaluation should be avoided.
Harmonization of the Moon in Aquarius or the Eleventh House of the Natal Chart
If such an individual’s freedom is restricted in any way, it can easily push them out of their comfort zone, triggering an emotional outburst. They cannot tolerate any constraints. They fear being left without friends and like-minded people or being just like everyone else. They need a lot of social interaction, gatherings, and events.
These individuals are generally considered not very sensitive, but under certain circumstances, they can be. They analyze their crises logically and discuss them with friends.
They need to learn to express their emotions. If they suppress their feelings for too long, their nervous system may be at risk. It is very important and beneficial for them to contribute to society.
Harmonization of the Moon in Pisces or the Twelfth House of the Natal Chart
These individuals have heightened anxiety, frequent stress, and mood swings. They cannot tolerate cruelty, violence, shouting, or fights, and they struggle emotionally to process such experiences.
It is particularly difficult for them when their illusions are shattered. Their development is facilitated through creative activities, design, photography, video production, religion, pilgrimages, visiting temples, speaking with a psychologist, meditation, trips to bodies of water, water-related activities, relaxing music, volunteering, and helping others. Their emotional distress eases when they see others in greater hardship than themselves.
Harmonization of Mars in the Natal Chart
A harmonized and strong Mars grants activity, courage, self-confidence, the ability to protect oneself and others, makes reasonable decisions, and knows how to achieve goals through honest means.