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Economic crisis: Cosmos and people - стр. 2

We are constantly influenced by different cosmic fields.

All the cosmic bodies are in constant motion. Planets move in accordance with the Sun, and the Sun is in the centre of local star gathering, etc. Finally all the cosmic bodies constantly speed up its motion and than slow it down. Their gravitational fields by means of which they influence each other also change. The changes in magnetic spheres of the Sun and planets of the Solar System also change and become the source of the great radiation spectrum.

We are on the surface of the Earth protected by its atmosphere and magnetic field from multiple dangerous cosmic radiations. However nothing protects us from the constant alteration of its own gravitation and the alterations which take place in their magnetic sphere. All these alterations are in strong dependence in how the Sun “behaves” itself and where the planets of the Solar System are. The alterations are cyclical. Many cycles of these alterations we know well enough and take them into consideration in our life.

People have been studying the relationships with the Moon for thousands of years. The gravitation of the Moon causes the tide waves namely the rise of both water and Earth surface each 12 hours 25 minutes. In one of the bays of the Canada coast a tide up to 18 meters is noticed and the hesitations of the Earth surface reach 78 sm. Even the gravitational impact of the Sun is averagely 2,2 times less.

All the moon cycle lasts 29,5 earth hours (earth days). During this period the Moon crosses the orbit of the Earth twice and stands between the Earth and the Sun, and then it “places” the Earth between itself and the Sun. As the result, the Earth comes closer to the Sun and goes far from it, slows and speeds up its motion, and the odd gravitation with the periodical alteration is influenced by all living beings. The mass centre of the Earth-Moon system also changes. It is situated at the distance of 4650 km from the Earth centre and within the moon month it makes a small ellipsis in relation to the centre of the Earth. This fact influences the alteration of the magnetic field.

The influence of the moon cycle has been studied in details. It is considered to be the synchronizer of the biorhythms. Within the period of Moon cycle the Baer’s cell matures, menstrual cycle depends on Moon phases. Within the period of full moon the frequency of sexual contacts grows and it means that the number of such hormones as epinephrine, serotonin, etc. increases. People usually address for psychological support in the period of the new moon. The colour sensibility of eyes alters depending from the position of the Moon. The highest nervous activity is also influenced by the Moon.

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