Economic crisis: Cosmos and people - стр. 12
Fourth, the cyclical process allows you to repeat the lessons of the joint social life in case we at first time have not learned these lessons. If mankind had to create intelligent beings through modeling their life, than it will be difficult to invent the more expedient system. These creatures in such a system will develop their mind, their souls, or simply die. By natural selection the most brainy, capable of self-development beings will only remain. And it will not immediately kill everything. There will be an opportunity to repeat and repeat the lessons of evolution. Without recurrence it is impossible to develop the civilization. People generally understand more after the mistakes. "Would I be as smart as my wife then?" Here comes some kind of universal consciousness training, but in the end all of these situations within this consciousness go in a circle and usually nothing unexpected happens. You just have to be able to listen to that and so is in the public consciousness, in our archetypes, but for a particular generation is just coming. Unfortunately, few people are capable of it.
It should be noted that the cycles that are associated with the motion of Jupiter and Saturn are superimposed on the cycles of other celestial bodies. It's all more clearly recognized by our scientists. According to V. Sukharev, resonance phenomena in the Solar System are universal. Here are his thoughts.
"Planets of the Solar System and their satellites (Titan, Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, Io, the Moon and Triton) are huge charged bodies. Figuratively speaking, it is the ensemble sounding of tuning forks that emit at a non-uniform motion in the space of low-frequency waves. When they overlap each other, there is an electromagnetic resonance – a sharp rise or fall in the intensity of the field. It was backfired with the echo of the Earth in the form of various disasters.
With the dominance of the wave of cosmic resonance of SRS-minuses in near space the electromagnetic vacuum arises. The Earth’s atmosphere pressure is reduced, cyclic processes are enhanced and there is an increasing number of hurricanes, storms, typhoons and continental storms. If there are more SRS-Pluses, the picture is just the opposite. Due to the growth of atmospheric pressure on Earth, the conditions are favorable to the anti-cyclonic activity: forming a clear, sunny weather with hot days in summer and a frosty winter; reduced seismic-volcanic activity. Global sea level rises as well as an increasing number of geomagnetic storms, auroras, and other unusual natural phenomena. And the Sun formed patches, the solar wind enhances and there are flickers and emissions of protuberances. The Sun folds excess internal energy which has been accumulated during the flow of thermonuclear reactions "[8].