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Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection - стр. 9

The knowledge is important. But perception of this knowledge by general public is possible only if it is included in the system of generally accepted, taught at school, at universities. Therefore, it is important to replace the term "cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity" with the common parameters of modern science. Those are electromagnetic energies, gravitational energies, the energy of galactic cosmic rays, etc. It turned out that the Earth's rotational velocity resonates, corresponds to the dynamics of change of these energies. Moreover, for empirical perception of the studied problems it is important to convert the Earth's rotational velocity into the indicators that are not so abstract when perceived emotionally. These are the tree rings growth rate, the isotope forming of various substances in ice cores and tree rings, the temperature on Earth, the humidity, the presence of groundwater according to the Earth's rotational velocity, the change of magnetic poles on the Sun, the change of its surface temperature, etc. It turns out that all these very important and controversial phenomena are related to the Earth's rotational velocity. These relations allow to use the system indicators, the parameters for determining the moment when one type of people in the elite, the management board, should be replaced with another. Surprising, but Chinese scientists have already understood this. Even more surprising is that Chinese philosophers of the past also understood this. They understood that nations, countries, like people, develop at their own specific cosmic energies. Cycles of cosmic energies are associated with the cyclic development of mankind and nations.

There are deep studies which recorded the mass manifestation of one or another personality trait, a meta-program at a certain stage of mankind development.

With the abrupt change of the Earth's rotational velocity in the early 1900s, the topic of philosophical understanding of reality also changes within the past-future meta-program: the interest to the past increases. At the peaks of the Earth's rotational velocity growth the priorities of philosophical, spiritual and literary aspirations change.

This is like the growth of trees of different clusters. When the sign of acceleration of the Earth's rotational velocity changes in ten-year, hundred-year cycles, poorly growing trees are replaced with a generation of trees that grow better exactly at this cosmic epoch.

In society, with the abrupt change of the Earth's rotational velocity happens the abrupt change of the whole culture, the aggravation of the struggle between progressive and regressive views.

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