Цифровое общество в культурно-исторической парадигме - стр. 13
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Nestik T.A.,
Institute of Psychology RAS, Moscow
Abstract. The article discusses the problems posed by the introduction of technologies of "weak" or specialized, artificial intelligence in everyday life for psychological science and practice. Attention is drawn to the study of the implications of using algorithms for cognitive and emotional development; the impact of cultural differences on the development and approaches to the use of AI; the possibilities opened by the AI for increasing awareness and mindfulness, for constructing identity, self-image and temporal perspective, for impression management; the influence of the world programmability on causal attribution processes and trust in social institutions; the implications of machine learning in group decision support systems; the impact of AI on the legal consciousness and legal mobilization. The psychological problems associated with the emergence of "redundant people" who have lost their jobs during the automation process are recognized as particularly acute. The author draws attention to the likelihood of reduced awareness and reflexivity of society under the influence of the digital “choice architecture”, as well as the widening of the cultural gap between those who are ready for uncertainty and choice, and those who are trying to avoid having to choose something, shifting the responsibility to algorithms.