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Binary code: Mystery number one - стр. 19

Boundless Informant is an NSA system for analyzing global electronic communications. It has a huge database, including 14 billion reports on Iran, 6.3 billion on India, and 2.8 billion on the United States.

PRISM is an in-depth Internet traffic surveillance program formally classified as top secret; adopted by the NSA in 2007 as a replacement for the Terrorist Surveillance Program.

DCSNet is an FBI surveillance system that can wiretap any telecommunications device located in the United States.

Main Core is a database that stores personal and financial information on millions of U.S. citizens who may pose a threat to national security. The data is sourced from the NSA, FBI, CIA, and other government sources.

Magic Lantern is a keylogger program sent by the FBI as an email attachment. When activated, it acts as a Trojan horse and allows the FBI to track the activities of an Internet user.

Narus Insight is a cluster-class supercomputer espionage system designed to sniff and analyze network traffic data on the Internet. It uses the Carnivore system as auxiliary data delivery nodes. The operator of the system in the United States is the FBI; users are all U.S. federal agencies.

Carnivore is an automated espionage system for listening to information from websites, analyzing databases on websites, and opening and analyzing emails; an analogue of the Russian SORM-2. An element of the Narus Insight total surveillance supercomputer cluster.

Terrorist Finance Tracking Program – a joint program of the CIA and the U.S. Treasury Department to gain access to the SWIFT transaction database. According to the U.S. government, efforts to counter terrorist activities were compromised after information about the existence of the program was leaked to the media.

X-Keyscore, a secret computer tracking program, is run jointly by the U.S. National Security Agency, the Australian Radio Defense Agency, and the New Zealand Government Communications Security Service. The FBI has created and is actively populating the world's largest database of biometric information on U.S. citizens, including retina, fingerprints, facial structure, scars, voice, language, facial expressions and gestures.


"Medusa-1" is a program that uses microwave radiation from cell phones to target the subcortical layer of the human brain in order to induce reactions in the brains of those being irradiated that the irradiators want.

"Medusa-2" is a program using DISP Biometric Sensing technology, which uses point detectors of infrared radiation to determine a person's location and posture. With DISP Spectroscopy, the military and gendarmes are able to analyze chemicals in any body tissue, including blood, from a distance.

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