Английский для смелых. Истории о духах и привидениях / Great Ghost Stories - стр. 50
(и, шагнув в непроглядную темноту, он споткнулся о что-то тяжелое, лежащее на полу, и упал ничком: «шагнув в черную темноту, он упал головой вперед на какой-то тяжелый предмет на полу»; headlong – головой вперед). I may spare myself the details (я могу избавить себя от подробностей; to spare – беречь, жалеть, сберегать, экономить; избавлять /от чего-либо/); it was my poor mother, dead of strangulation by human hands (это была моя бедная мать, удушенная: «мертвая от удушения» человеческими руками)!
My father had gone to Nashville, intending to return the next afternoon. Something prevented his accomplishing the business in hand, so he returned on the same night, arriving just before the dawn. In his testimony before the coroner he explained that having no latchkey and not caring to disturb the sleeping servants, he had, with no clearly defined intention, gone round to the rear of the house. As he turned an angle of the building, he heard a sound as of a door gently closed, and saw in the darkness, indistinctly, the figure of a man, which instantly disappeared among the trees of the lawn. A hasty pursuit and brief search of the grounds in the belief that the trespasser was some one secretly visiting a servant proving fruitless, he entered at the unlocked door and mounted the stairs to my mother’s chamber. Its door was open, and stepping into black darkness he fell headlong over some heavy object on the floor. I may spare myself the details; it was my poor mother, dead of strangulation by human hands!
Nothing had been taken from the house (в доме ничего не пропало: «ничего не было взято из дома»), the servants had heard no sound (слуги ничего не слышали: «не слышали никакого звука»), and excepting those terrible finger-marks upon the dead woman’s throat (и за исключением тех ужасных отпечатков пальцев на горле = на шее мертвой женщины) – dear God! that I might forget them (Господи Боже мой: «дорогой Бог», если бы я мог их забыть)! – no trace of the assassin was ever found (никаких следов убийцы так и не было обнаружено).
I gave up my studies and remained with my father