Алтарь Отечества. Альманах. Том 4 - стр. 2
The soldiers of the World War II sacrificed their lives and died for the Victory, many of them became MIAS (missing in action), – they never returned from the front: others came back with wounds not only on their bodies, but in their souls.
The lives of children, youths and adults are to be found on the Altar of Fatherland. Nobody has told us their stories – they are included in the general member of millions. The former great power broke up.
It won't be restored soon.
In our "internet- gallery" we want to bring back the spirit and strength of the soldier. The spirit of the common Fatherland and we want the younger generation to learn how to love our Fatherland as it was loved by their forefathers.
Let the stands of "the gallery" the virtual museum of military glory have unusual exhibits: the letters of war years, the stories of those years about the soldiers, who participated in the war of 1941–1945, their verses, fiction and songs-all that should be in their glory.
Come to see "the gallery", it will be expanded, we hope that people will respond! Let's call every soldier by name!
We must leave our good footprints on our beautiful planet – Earth in our words, our good memory in outer space.
The souls of those, who died and found their way to Heaven as well as those still living war veterans will be grateful to us for the memory of thankful descendants.
We must be worthy of our forefathers!
(Translated by Nina Lukina)
The Contacts:
t.: 8 (495) 386-65-12; 388-42-27
E-mail.: [email protected]
Четвёртый том альманаха «Алтарь Отечества» необычен. Он посвящён воспоминаниям Якова Михайловича Вьюгина – автора пока неизданной книги «В памяти живых».
Фронтовик, участник трёх войн: Финской 1939-40 гг, Второй Отечественной и Японской – 1941–1945 гг., кадровый военный.
Главные герои книги: сам автор (представлен под именем Егора Буранова), его сослуживцы, лётчики и технический состав 12-й Краснознамённой Отдельной Истребительной Авиаэскадрильи (КОИАЭ) Балтийского флота, которые защищали во время блокады Ленинграда «Дорогу жизни», участвовали в прорыве и снятии блокады, освобождении Моонзундских островов и Прибалтики.
По литературному жанру книгу можно отнести к документальной прозе. Сюжетная линия построена исключительно на достоверных, реальных событиях, все имена друзей подлинны, выписаны точно, правдиво, лаконично. Автор рассказывает с огромной симпатией и любовью и с чувством горечи по погибшим на его глазах друзьям.