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31-й—40-й тесты, английский язык. ЕГЭ, на базе материалов ФИПИ - стр. 23

The trend of renting out a property, whereby someone owns a home or apartment but has another residence as their primary home, began to rise in popularity just a few years back. In its earliest phase, property owners were reluctant to try it out because they were sceptical of a variety of factors, ___ (C).

But it seems that phase has run its course for the most part, and more and more people are taking advantage of the service. It is a positive experience for everyone; property owners make extra money and renters enjoy more space for less expense. For renters, the experience is not unlike staying in your very own holiday home ___ (D).

Most recently, a website has emerged as one of the leading places for people to either list or locate rental properties. Known as Airbnb, the company’s profits have skyrocketed since its founding. It’s free to list a property, and ___ (E). Owners can publish several photos of their property and communicate with potential renters through the site.

Security does remain an issue, and recent events have prompted ___ (F). Despite this, Airbnb has earned praise for its creativity and the affordable service it provides.

1. the company generates revenues by taking a percentage of the rental fee

2. such as the risk of renting the property to people who might damage it

3. that is within a price range they can comfortably afford

4. such as a house that someone has inherited but doesn’t live in

5. to provide stylish accommodation without the excessive price tag

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