Золотая кровь

Золотая кровь

Дата публикации: 2004
Книга "Желтый клинок" рассказывает о Прайсе Дюране, который принимает участие в необычной экспедиции под руководством загадочного Якоба Гарта. Группа отправляется в поисках сокровищ в пустыне, где сталкивается с множеством опасностей и загадок. Первые отрывки описывают Прайса и других участников экспедиции на борту шхуны "Иньес", которая в конце концов взрывается, forcing the group to continue their journey by foot. They follow Gart, who leads them towards the mysterious city of Enz, promising untold riches and adventure. In the second chapter, Gart meets with Duane in a bar in Port Said, outlining the details of their upcoming expedition to conquer Enz. He presents Duane with a golden scimitar and an autobiography of Fernando Jesus de Cuadra-y-Vargas, a man who escaped captivity in Enz. Gart convinces Duane to lead a group through a guarded pass towards Enz, highlighting the wealth that awaits them. The following chapter chronicles the adventures of Price and the old sheikh Farhad in the desert. As they travel, they witness a strange mirage in the sky, causing fear in Farhad who believes it to be an evil jinn. They see a large image of a tiger and two mysterious figures, captivating Price with their exotic beauty. After the figures disappear, Price is left pondering the origins of the mirage and the potential surprises that lie ahead. Overall, the book follows the group as they face various challenges and mysteries in their quest for treasure, navigating through the treacherous desert landscape. The characters are drawn into a world of ancient secrets and illusions, testing their resolve and courage as they journey towards the fabled city of Enz.