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Книга revolves around a young woman named Алиса, who finds herself entangled in a world of privilege and danger while working at a daycare for wealthy children, established by a powerful oligarch, Тумурзориг. The story delves into the dynamics of relationships, trust, and the unsettling realities of power. Алиса is introduced as a nurturing figure at the daycare, particularly drawn to a quiet girl named Ева, the daughter of Тумурзориг. Despite Ева's initial reticence, Алиса's kindness gradually wins her trust, as they spend time together and bond over breakfast. However, the environment of the daycare is not as idyllic as it seems. The head of the daycare, Тамара, exudes a sense of foreboding and disdain towards Алиса, raising doubts and suspicions within her. As the story progresses, the central tension escalates when Ева’s father arrives to pick her up. This moment becomes a turning point for Алиса, who experiences an acute sense of dread and uncertainty about the situation. The image of the imposing vehicle driven by Тумурзориг only intensifies her unease, suggesting that there are darker undercurrents at play in their lives. The narrative shifts dramatically when Алиса finds herself in captivity, subjected to torture and intimidation by men demanding to know where Ева is. This harrowing experience highlights her vulnerability and showcases the brutality and indifference of those who hold her hostage. Even when Тумурзориг arrives, bringing a glimmer of hope for rescue, she is overwhelmed by fear and the oppressive aura that he emanates, which complicates any sense of safety. In a parallel storyline, Тумурзориг is actively searching for Ева, alongside his friend Руслан. Their discussions reveal the desperation and determination of a father who has lost his way in a world dominated by chaos and unpredictability. Upon confronting Варана, an informant of sorts, Тумурзориг asserts his power ruthlessly, demonstrating a willingness to do whatever it takes to find his daughter, even if it means exhibiting violence. Adding another layer, the narrative addresses the aftermath of tragedy. Тумурзориг discovers that his beloved Симона, Ева's mother, has died in a car accident, intensifying his emotional turmoil and sense of responsibility. Eва's journey through coping with her mother's death intersects with Алиса's path of recovery, as both characters navigate their grief and struggle to connect. Within the confines of Тумурзориг's home, Алиса takes on the role of caretaker for Ева, organizing small comforts and activities that bring joy to the girl. However, Тумурзориг's preoccupation with his work and the unsettling atmosphere of his house, marked by trophies of his violent lifestyle—such as mounted animal heads—creates a constant tension. This leads Алиса to contemplate leaving, feeling compelled to provide a safer environment for Ева than Тумурзориг’s neglectful and authoritarian presence can offer. The relationship between Алиса and Тумурзориг deepens, revealing a complex interplay of power and attraction. Тумурзориг, while exerting control over Алиса, is simultaneously drawn to her. Their interactions oscillate between tender moments and the harsh realities of the world they inhabit. Conflict arises when Эдик, a figure from Тумурзориг's past, poses a threat to Алиса’s safety, demanding her return. Тумурзориг’s protective instincts kick in, showcasing his internal struggle between desire and duty. As the narrative unfolds, ethical dilemmas surrounding safety, autonomy, and affection take center stage, driving character development and plot progression. This exploration of vulnerability and empowerment in the face of power dynamics leads to significant character growth, with each decision casting ripples in their interconnected lives. In conclusion, the story weaves a rich tapestry of emotion and tension, centered around the lives of Алиса, Ева, and Тумурзориг. It highlights themes of trust, loss, and the longing for connection amidst the chaos of their environment. The narrative culminates in the unlikely alliances and choices that define their relationships, setting up a poignant backdrop for future developments.